Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who Owns The New York Times And Washington Post

Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Joe Concha predicts anonymous Giuliani source will burn media again

Social media networks and initially limited the spread of the Post story on their platforms, citing policies restricting the sharing of hacked material and personal information this decision proved controversial, with many critics, including Republican U.S. senator Ted Cruz of Texas and a Harvard Law School lecturer, deriding it as censorship. NPR reported that Twitter initially declined to comment how it reached this decision or what evidence it had supporting this.The New York Times initially reported that the story had been pitched to other outlets, including Fox News, which declined to publish it due to concerns over its reliability.The New York Times also reported that two writers at the Post, Bruce Golding and one other, declined to have their names attached to the story, and ultimately the story only listed two bylines: Gabrielle Fonrouge, who “had little to do with the reporting or writing of the article” and was unaware of the byline prior to the story’s publication, and Emma-Jo Morris, a former producer for Fox News’s Hannity who had no prior bylines with the Post. In response to the concerns about the veracity of the article, former Post editor-in-chief and current advisor Colin Allan responded in an email to the Times that the senior editors at The Post made the decision to publish the Biden files after several days hard work established its merit.”

Criticism By Elected Officials

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly railed against the Washington Post on , having “tweeted or retweeted criticism of the paper, tying it to Amazon more than 20 times since his campaign for president” by August 2018. In addition to often attacking the paper itself, Trump used Twitter to blast various Post journalists and columnists.

During the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders repeatedly criticized the Washington Post, saying that its coverage of his campaign was slanted against him and attributing this to Jeff Bezos‘ purchase of the newspaper. Sanders’ criticism was echoed by the socialist magazine Jacobin and the progressive journalist watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.Washington Post executive editor responded by saying that Sanders’ criticism was “baseless and conspiratorial”.

This Drone Once Fought Wars Now Its Fighting Climate Change

One of the anxieties I heard throughout the Times is that they can get the journalism absolutely right, execute the technology perfectly, and still not find the hundreds of millions it costs every year to line the walls with Pulitzers. While other media companies collapse or implodewitness the once-proud Tribune Companys devolution into national punch line Troncthere is unease over the possibility that when the Times emerges from its digital rebirth, it might be scarcely recognizable. Even Sulzberger admits to long-term doubts for the industry, though, he says, We feel like were closer to cracking the code than anyone else.

In 2010 the Times was making about $200 million in digital revenue, almost entirely from advertising by 2016 that number had more than doubled, to nearly $500 million, with almost all of the gains coming from digital subscriptions. The internal Times goal for total digital revenue is $800 million by 2020which, according to senior management, would be enough to fund the Times global news-gathering operation with or without a print edition.

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Gabriel Snyder is an editor and writer living in Brooklyn.

1 Correction appended, 2/14/17, 2 pm EST: The VR company Dolnick visited was called Vrse.Works, not Vrse.

This article appears in the March issue. .

Grooming by Brynn Doering

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These 15 Billionaires Own America’s News Media Companies

Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington… Post, on stage at the Post’s “Transformers” conference in May 2016.

News that billionaire Peter Thiel is funding Hulk Hogan’s trial against news website Gawker set the media and technology worlds on fire last week, sparking a conversation about the ultra-wealthy’s role in controlling the news. While a billionaire secretly funding a lawsuit to take down a news outlet may be a new way of using money to influence the media business, billionaires have long exerted influence on the news simply by owning U.S. media outlets.

Some billionaires, like Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg are longtime media moguls who made their fortunes in the news business. Others, like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, bought publications as a side investment after building a substantial fortune in another industry. Billionaires own part or all of several of America’s influential national newspapers, including The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and the , in addition to magazines, local papers and online publications.

Several other billionaires, including Chairman John Malone, own or control cable TV networks that are powerful but not primarily news focused.

Here’s a look at some of the billionaires who own news media in the United States:

Michael Bloomberg – Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Media

Rupert Murdoch –

Jeff Bezos – The Washington Post

John Henry – The Boston Globe

Content Coverage And Controversies

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The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch’s ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservatismbias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated that the “New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problema force for evil.”

The Post has been accused of contorting its news coverage to suit Murdoch’s business needs, in particular avoiding subjects which could be unflattering to the government of the People’s Republic of China, where Murdoch has invested heavily in satellite television.

In a 2019 article in The New Yorker, Ken Auletta wrote that Murdoch “doesn’t hesitate to use the Post to belittle his business opponents”, and went on to say that Murdoch’s support for Edward I. Koch while he was running for mayor of New York “spilled over onto the news pages of the Post, with the paper regularly publishing glowing stories about Koch and sometimes savage accounts of his four primary opponents.”

According to The New York Times, Ronald Reagan‘s campaign team credited Murdoch and the Post for his victory in New York in the 1980 United States presidential election. Reagan later “waived a prohibition against owning a television station and a newspaper in the same market”, allowing Murdoch to continue to control the New York Post and The Boston Herald while expanding into television.

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Accusations Of Liberal Bias

In mid-2004, the newspaper’s then-public editor Daniel Okrent, wrote an opinion piece in which he said that The New York Times did have a liberal bias in news coverage of certain social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He stated that this bias reflected the paper’s cosmopolitanism, which arose naturally from its roots as a hometown paper of New York City, writing that the coverage of the Times‘s Arts & Leisure Culture and the Sunday Times Magazine trend to the left.

If you’re examining the paper’s coverage of these subjects from a perspective that is neither urban nor Northeastern nor culturally seen-it-all if you are among the groups The Times treats as strange objects to be examined on a laboratory slide if your value system wouldn’t wear well on a composite New York Times journalist, then a walk through this paper can make you feel you’re traveling in a strange and forbidding world.

Times public editor Arthur Brisbane wrote in 2012:

When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so. Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism for lack of a better term that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

Washington Post Sale Turns Attention To Sulzbergers’ Ownership Of The New York Times

NEW YORK – When the descendants of Eugene Meyer sold The Washington Post on Monday to s Jeff Bezos after four generations of ownership, the once long list of iconic newspaper families dropped down to one: The Sulzbergers.

Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the chairman of the New York Times Company, recently battled down rumors of a deep-pocketed suitor like billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg making a play for the paper thats been in his familys hands for five generations. The Times, he emphatically told The Daily Beast last week, is Not. For. Sale. But neither was the Post — at least not publicly. Donald Graham, chairman of the Washington Post Co. and son of the late Katharine Graham, stunned staffers Monday by announcing a blockbuster deal that now raises questions about whether the Ochs-Sulzberger clan, dealing with similar industry pressures and digital disruption, might be more inclined to sell.

This decision by the Grahams gives people inside the family whove wanted to sell ammunition, Doctor said.

After seven consecutive years of revenue decline, Graham and publisher Katharine Weymouth began exploring the idea of a sale earlier this year. Preliminary discussions took place in the spring, but Graham and Bezos didnt hammer out details until last month and the deal was only finalized on Monday.

I was surprised, like everyone, to hear about The Washington Post, Jones said. But if I heard The New York Times was sold, I would be truly shocked.

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Why Is Ny Times So Popular

It enjoyed early success as its editors set a pattern for the future by appealing to a cultured, intellectual readership instead of a mass audience. But its high moral tone was no asset in the heated competition of other papers for readers in New York City. Ochs built the Times into an internationally respected daily.

How True Is The Post Movie

Trump boosts paid circulation for New York Times, Washington Post, WSJ

Set in 1971, The Post depicts the true story of attempts by journalists at The Washington Post to publish the infamous Pentagon Papers, a set of classified documents regarding the 20-year involvement of the United States government in the Vietnam War and earlier in French Indochina back to the 1940s.

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Why Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post

Marc Benioff, founder and CEO of Salesforce, and his wife recently announced they agreed to buy Time magazine. The obvious next question: why?

Many have put forward a narrative of a philanthropic white knight swooping in to save the company with a generous impulse purchase. And a brief text message exchange between Benioff and the New York Times did nothing to dissuade us of that idea.

Benioff admitted a mere two weeks ago, he didnt even know he would buy the media property. While he was quick to assert his long-standing passion for the magazine, his answers didnt expose a particularly salient argument for its purchase and instead seemed somewhat perfunctory.

But its unlikely someone with Benioffs track record of success would take on Time magazine without putting in some strategic thought.

With this in mind, I was interested to watch a recent interview of Jeff Bezos, who similarly bought the Washington Post in 2013. In the course of the discussion, Bezos articulated the thought process that motivated his purchasing decision, a decision he broke into a two-part framework.

Why Buy The Washington Post?

Donald Graham, son of the Washington Posts legendary publisher Katharine Graham, was the first to suggest Bezos buy the Post. Bezos, he thought, had the requisites of a promising buyer.

Instead, Bezos relied on intuition to guide him.

1. Is It An Important Institution?

2. Are You Optimistic About Its Future?

Intuition Not Analysis

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Did you know that JMU students, staff, and faculty have online access to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and other newspapers?

  • New York Times: Follow these steps to access the New York Times online for free online through JMUs subscription. When youraccount expires after one year, follow the same steps again to renew your account.
  • Wall Street Journal: Follow these instructions to access the Wall Street Journal online for free through JMUs subscription. Faculty and staff will need to refresh their WSJ account each subscription year you can regain access to the WSJ by repeating the account creation instructions.

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How Marty Baron And Jeff Bezos Remade The Washington Post

The celebrated editor is ending his tenure at the helm of a very different newspaper than the one he originally signed on to run.

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On July 30, 2013, Martin Baron left The Washington Post building and crossed 15th Street for an extremely rare happy hour drink.

The publisher, Katharine Weymouth, had asked to meet him at a hotel bar. She needed to tell her executive editor that The Washington Post Company would be selling the newspaper her family had run for 80 years to the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Im sure I felt terrible, said Ms. Weymouth in a recent interview. He had just moved! Mr. Baron had arrived in Washington, and at The Post, in January after 11 celebrated years as the top editor at The Boston Globe.

Mr. Baron was shocked. So were most people at The Post six days later, when the public announcement was made. Ms. Weymouth represented the fourth generation of her family to run the newspaper. Her grandmother, Katharine Graham, and her uncle, Donald E. Graham, had been viewed as indispensable not just to The Post but to its city. Now the paper would belong to Mr. Bezos, the multibillionaire online retail magnate, who noted in his introductory memo to the staff that he lived in the other Washington.

He was just really calm about it, she recalled. Said this was going to be a good thing.

Is The Washington Post Privately Owned

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On June 15, The Washington Post Company went public with the sale of Class B common stock to the general public for $26 per share. Until then The Post Company had been privately held. Its stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the symbol WPO. Class A shares are privately held by the Graham family.

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Online Access To The New York Times

The New York Times for online access to its current issue. Non-subscribers have access to 10 articles per month before being asked to pay.

All of CUNY has access to the current content of the New York Times through LexisNexis, but this database does not have a browse function. The content of the New York Times can be searched in LexisNexis from 1980 to the present.

To see content from the current issue of the newspaper:

  • Browse the content on the Times’ site.
  • Go to LexisNexis
  • Search for the desired articles by keyword –
  • Enter your search terms in the Search for box, and enter New York Times in the by source title box.
  • When the search results appear, change the Sort dropdown menu from Relevance to Newest to Oldest.
  • The content of each issue of the New York Times from 1985 to the present can be accessed in Academic OneFile, but this database lags one day behind the print/online New York Times.

    The content of the New York Times from 1857 through 2009 can be accessed in Historical New York Times database.

    All of these resources can be accessed from off-campus with an activated QCC OneCard ID.

    Who Owns The New York Times

    The New York Times major individual shareholder is the Sulzberger family, owning it for several generations. Indeed, A. G. Sulzberger owns a 1.3% of Class A stocks and 92% of Class B stocks. And Arthur Sulzberger Jr. owns 1.8% of Class A stocks and 92.2% of Class B stocks. The New York Times now runs primarily via a subscription-based model, where digital subscriptions contributed over $426 million in revenues in 2019, which made up over 23% of its total revenues.

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    How Do I Find Newspapers

    • » moreless…Full text articles from recent years from over 2500 news sources worldwide. Includes the Chicago Tribune 1985- present, Washington Post 1987 -, the Times 1992- and the New York Times 1980- present
    • » moreless…Covers thousands of newspapers that aren’t available through other sources, including community newspapers and the Chicago Sun-Times
    • » moreless…Provides access to global news and business information, including local newspapers, same-day newswires, company reports, and media programs. Content is available in many different languages, including Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Russian. Stock data and indices are available for 5 years.

    Erroneous Reporting And Defamation Cases Arising From Bombings

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    Richard Jewell, a security guard wrongly suspected of being the Centennial Olympic Park bomber, sued the Post in 1998, alleging that the newspaper had libeled him in several articles, headlines, photographs, and editorial cartoons. U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska largely denied the Post‘s motion to dismiss, allowing the suit to proceed. The Post subsequently settled the case for an undisclosed sum.

    In several stories on the day of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the Post inaccurately reported that twelve people had died, and that a Saudi national had been taken into custody as a suspect, which was denied by Boston Police. Three days later, on April 18, the Post featured a full-page cover photo of two young men at the Boston marathon with the headline “Bag Men” and erroneously claimed they were being sought by police. The men, Salaheddin Barhoum and Yassine Zaimi, were not considered suspects, and the Post was heavily criticized for the apparent accusation. Then-editor Col Allan defended the story, saying they had not referred to the men as “suspects”. The two men later sued the Post for libel, and the suit was settled in 2014 on undisclosed terms.

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