Filing A Dba In Ny For Sole Proprietors And General Partnerships
Sole proprietors and partnerships are required to file their NYS DBA with the County Clerk where their business is located. Estates and real estate investment companies are also required to file with the county.
A sole proprietorship is a business owned by a single individual that isn’t formally organized. If you run a business and file taxes under your own name, you are a sole proprietor.
A DBA doesn’t offer any protection for your personal assets in the event that your business is sued. For more information on setting up an LLC , visit our How to Form an LLC page and select your state.
If you need to create a DBA for an LLC or Corporation, you can .
Adult Name Change New York
If you are an adult and would like to Change Your Legal Name or Last Name, you can File A Name Change Petition in New York Court. You can File Your Adult Name Change either it is;First Name Change Or Last Name Change, you can Apply Name Change in The Court of New York;by submitting your name change information.;
What Documents Are Required To Change Your Name After Divorce
To legally change your name after divorce, you must collect the following documents:
- Certified Copy of your Judgment of Divorce
- Proof of identification
- Proof of age
If you do not have any of these documents, you will need to request them. You can purchase a certified copy of your Judgment of Divorce from the County Clerks office in the county where your divorce was granted. You may be required to pay a small fee, which depends on the county you are in and the number of pages in this final decree.
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Request For Copies Form:
$5 payment required: Youll need to include a check or money order for $5 made payable to Department of State. And youll need to send this form along with your Certificate of Amendment in order to get a copy back. Which again, youll need in order to change your LLC name with the IRS .
Disclosure Of Social Security Numbers
In accordance with Federal and State Laws, the New York State Education Department requires that all applicants for professional licensure provide their Federal Social Security Number . Individuals without a SSN will be assigned a random, computer generated nine-digit identifier. The agency will use the SSN or assigned identifier to maintain accurate license and registration records. This information may be shared with other State or Federal agencies, consistent with applicable laws and Departmental policy, but will otherwise be kept confidential.
The specific statutory authority for requiring Federal Social Security Numbers is in the following: Federal Law-Privacy Act of 1974 ; Welfare Reform Act of 1996 ), New York State Law-Title 8, Section 6507, paragraph 4 Education Law; Section 5 of the NYS Tax Law.
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Process To Change Last Name In New York
To change your last name in New York follow the simple process:
- Provide your current first name, middle name, and last name with your current address.
- Provide your desired name, which means the new name that you would like to keep.
- Fill our simple questionnaire at legally name change New York section.
- You will have to mention your birthplace and birth date. The same questions are required for the minor name changes.
- Pay the filing fee. You can pay New York court fee later on.
- Once you get your prefilled name change forms, you must have to notarize them from a notary public.
- Submit the forms to the New York Court. And get the hearing date.
- Once your name is approved, you will have to publish it in the newspaper to update your name on different documents like a passport, green card, or social security card.
The New York City Name Change Process
1. Understand New York City Name Change Laws
New York allows most version of married name change, but not taking your maiden as a middle name. Fortunately, theres a loophole! It is possible to take your maiden name as a middle name IF you file your name change forms in a specific order.
File your;Social Security form;and your;U.S. Passport forms;first. Next, wait to receive both of those new documents back in your new name. Then, you can go to the New York;DMV;and file for your new drivers license. Your updated Social Security card and passport will provide the necessary 6 points of identification needed by the agency for your name change.
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How To Change Your Name In New York
Created by FindLaw’s team of legal writers and editors
In love in New York? Marriage is the most common time during which people change their name. But there are other times, of course. Maybe you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling, and wish to return to a former name once the divorce goes through. You might also love New York, but just not love your name. That happens too, and people change their name simply because they wish to. All of these situations arise for residents of the Empire State. What’s a New Yorker to do?
All states have a legal process for people looking to change their names. What needs to be done? How do you do it? When can you change your name? How to change your name in New York depends on your particular situation. Read on find out:
Records Retention And Disposition Statement
Applications are considered active while an applicant is providing documentation to meet the requirements for a professional license or post-licensure certificate .
If you withdraw your application or your application is inactive for five consecutive years, any documents submitted as part of your application will be destroyed in accordance with the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule on file with the State Archives and Records Administration.
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How To Legally Change Your Name In New York City
General Information
Getting All the Papers
Filing the Papers
The Hearing
Publication and Service
Changing Your IDs
How To Change Your New York Llc Name
Note:forming an LLC in New York
In order to change your LLC name in New York, you must file a Certificate of Amendment with the New York Division of Corporations.
There are 3 different Certificate of Amendment forms for New York LLCs though, so you must first determine which form to use.
In order to do that, you need to determine if you have a New York Domestic LLC or an out-of-state LLC registered as a Foreign LLC in New York.
Albany, NY 12231
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Filing A Dba In Ny With The County Clerk
If your business is a sole proprietorship or partnership, then you are required to file a business certificate with the appropriate county clerks office in order to operate under a DBA.
Knowing which county to file in is simple: you must file in any county where your business conducts or transacts business.
In New York State, ALL PARTNERSHIPS, whether operating under an assumed name or not, must register a Business Certificate for Partnerships with the appropriate county clerks office. Continue reading this section for instructions on completing this step.
We will give you step-by-step directions to get a New York County DBA . If you need to register your DBA in a different county than New York County, youll need to get in touch with the county clerk for the registration requirements.
You can find your counties’ contact information here.
Filing aDBA in NYC Contact Information:
Kings County– 404-9750New York County– 386-5955
How to File a New York County DBA
At this point, you shouldve already chosen a name for your business and completed the name searches in Step 1 above.
New York County suggests searching their assumed name records before you start the DBA filing process. Those records can be found at the New York County courthouse basement at 60 Centre Street in Manhattan.
- X-74 Business Certificate form for Partnerships
- X-201 Business Certificate form for Sole Proprietorships
You Must Submit Your Business Certificate In Person
Walk In Location
Name Change On A Birth Certificate
If you were born in any county outside New York City you need a court order to effect a name change on a birth certificate. The order should have the seal of the court and court clerk certified; a publication proof is needed. Ensure the order also has the place of birth, date of birth, and name clearly indicated.
Submit to the Bureau of Vital Records within the New York State Department of Health a completed Correction of Certificate of Birth Application and a notarized affidavit or certified copy of your current birth certificate to confirm you are at least 18 years old. Nonetheless, a court order might not be required to correct a mistake on a birth certificate.
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New York Vehicle Title And Registration Name Change
Dont forget to also change your name on your vehicles title and registration while youre at the DMV. Since you have to go in person in makes sense to get it all done at once.
Great news here! Its free to update your registration and title when you change your name, and also bring a completed Form MV-82.
Moving? If you are moving, you must notify the DMV within 10 days.
You can update your address online, or handle it in person while you are changing your name . Coordinate doing this to fit your needs, but note that there will be many other companies to update of your address change. See our moving links below in Step 4.
Name Changes Laws By State
The most common instances where a person wants to change his/her name are during marriage or adoption. ;People also change their name to disassociate from something negative or infamous, or may simply wish to give themselves a name that is more useable. ;Obtaining a legal name change varies depending on the residence of the applicants. ;The process of name change is generally less cumbersome. ;In the United States, a legal name change can be obtained through a court order and any US citizen has the right to change his/her name through either common law or court procedure. ;A person may change his/her name at will and operate a business, write a book, or even sue someone under a different name.; However, if a person change the name with a fraudulent intent to deceive people, legal action will be taken.
Every state has a different procedure for obtaining a name change court order.; While some states simply require acknowledgment that a persons name is not being changed for purposes of fraud or other crimes, some other states refuse to issue a court order if a persons new name appears to be unreasonably vulgar or frivolous.
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Why Choose Legally Name Change
We have a number of professional attorneys to help you out the Legal Procedure of Name Change. Once you contact us, we begin working on your case. Your details remain secret and secure with us. We are experienced and certified. We welcome our clients wholeheartedly throughout New York to serve them in the legal and systematic way of a name change. To avail of our services of name change in New York, you can contact us at Legally Name Change.
Victims Of Domestic Violence
N.Y. Election Law allows victims of domestic violence who obtain a court order from NY Supreme Court, Family Court or County Court in the county where they are registered to have their voter registration record kept separate and apart from other registration records and not be made available for inspection or copying by the public or any other person, except election officials acting within the course and scope of their official duties. Under a separate section of the law , you can also be excused from going to your polling place to vote and get a special ballot. For further information, you should contact your local board of elections for their confidential registration and special ballot procedures.
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New York Llc Name Change Faqs
Do I have to update my name everywhere else right away? No, there is not a rush here. Sooner than later is better, of course, but technically, your old LLC name will still work for a while.
Does this mean I need to meet the publication requirements again? No, you do not need to re-publish your newspaper ads.
What if need to change my New York LLC Registered Agent? You cannot do that via the Certificate of Amendment. Instead, you need to file a Certificate of Change and pay a $30 filing fee.
Is It Legal For An Adult To Change Their Name
But, it may be better to legally change your name because most government agencies will not accept your name change without a court order. You can ask the court to legally change the name you were given at birth, adoption or marriage. Learn how to change the name of an adult or a child. Find instructions and court forms.
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Need A Passport Thats Next On The List
If youll be honeymooning after you exchange vows, you should think about how to change your name after marriage on your passport. To change your name on your passport, you actually have to apply for a new one. You can tackle this step through the mail; theres no need to do it in person unless upcoming travel plans require you to use your passport.;
When it comes to changing your name on your passport, how to do it depends on how long youve had your passport. If youve had it for a year or less, you can use the Department of States website to , and mail them to the National Passport Processing Center, along with your current passport, a certified copy of your marriage certificate, and passport photo. This service is provided free of charge. But if youve had your passport for more than a year, there will be a nominal fee associated with mailing in the form.;
If youre traveling in less than two weeks and need an expedited passport, the state of New York does have several offices you can visit. Whats involved? A steeper fee for this speedier process, and youll have to show proof of identification, name change, and your travel plans.
File Petition At County Or Supreme Court
Once you have filled out both documents and notarized the petition, you will need to bring your package to your County or Supreme Court and file it with the Court Clerk. Residents of New York City can file their name change petitions with the New York City Civil Court, which is less expensive. Accepted payment methods and filing fees may differ depending on your county of residence, so it is your responsibility to be prepared to pay your filing fee. If you are incapable of paying the fee, you can ask the court for a fee waiver in order to subsidize some or all of your costs.
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Social Security Dmv Irs Name Change
Before you can change your name with the Department of Motor Vehicles in New York, you need to report the legal change of name to the Social Security Administration, since the DMV needs to verify the Social Security Number and database record name change first.
Change of name with the social security office can be done via mail or in person. Make sure you have a Social Security Card application dully completed, document certifying the name change, such as a court order, divorce decree or marriage certificate, including proof of identity through documents such as ID cards issued by the state, a United States passport or a driver’s license.
U.S. citizenship proof is also required, such as a birth certificate, naturalization or citizenship certificate. It’s important for all documents to be either certified copies or originals. Once the Social Security Administration records are updated, approach the New York Department of Motor Vehicles in person to change your name on your vehicle registration, ID card or driver’s license and the vehicle certificate of title. These changes cannot be done via email, by phone or mail.