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When Was Michael Bloomberg Mayor Of New York City

Early Life And Financial Career

Everything Mike Bloomberg Said at the Las Vegas Democratic Debate | NBC New York

Michael Rubens Bloomberg was born on February 14, 1942, in Boston, Massachusetts. The son of a bookkeeper, Bloomberg put himself through Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University, where he earned a Master of Business Administration degree in 1966. His first Wall Street job was with Salomon Brothers, where he quickly climbed the ladder, becoming partner in 1972.

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Michael R. Bloomberg is the 108th Mayor of the City of New York. He was first elected in November 2001, two months after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, a time when many believed that crime would return, businesses would flee, and New York might take decades to recover. Instead, through hundreds of innovative new policies and initiatives, Mayor Bloomberg has made New York City safer, stronger, and greener than ever.

Today, compared to 2001, crime is down by 35 percent. The welfare rolls are down nearly 25 percent. High school graduation rates are up 40 percent since 2005. Ambulance response times are at record lows. Teen smoking is down more than 50 percent. More than 725 acres of new parkland have been added. The Mayors economic policies have helped New York City avoid the level of job losses that many other cities experienced during the national recession. And since October 2009, New York added twice as many private sector jobs as the next ten largest U.S. cities combined.

Born on February 14, 1942 in Boston and raised in a middle class home in Medford, Massachusetts, Michael Bloomberg attended Johns Hopkins University, where he paid his tuition by taking loans and working as a parking lot attendant. After college, he went on to receive an MBA from Harvard Business School. In 1966 he was hired by a Wall Street firm, Salomon Brothers, for an entry-level job.

Mayor Bloomberg is the father of two daughters, Emma and Georgina.

Take Care Of Your Kids

On the 10th anniversary of the attacks, as bagpipers played and New York paused to reflect, Bloomberg presided over the opening of the 9/11 Memorial, a milestone that drew President Barack Obama and more than 10,000 relatives of the dead.

Soaring over the ceremony was the rising symbol of New Yorks recovery 82 of the 104 stories that would become the new World Trade Center.

We can never un-see what happened here, Bloomberg told the crowd assembled alongside two memorial pools tracing the footprints of the fallen towers. Etched in bronze parapets were the nearly 3,000 names of the dead, including that of Peter Alderman.

Over the years, Bloomberg had prodded the city to move past its collective grief. Giuliani had envisioned Ground Zero as a 16-acre memorial. Bloomberg wanted a smaller memorial and pushed for new offices and schools. He warned of turning downtown into a cemetery.

When he spoke to relatives of the dead still in the throes of grief, Bloomberg felt the urge to say, Suck it up, as his parents had taught him.

I thought to myself, Its tragic, but youve got to take care of your kids, he said. You dont want to be crying. You want to be talking about the future What can I do to help your kids?’ ‘What can I do to help you? rather than look back. Looking back isnt going to help.

On another wall, behind glass, was a campaign flier with the date in white letters Tuesday, Sept. 11 reminding voters to support a Republican on that days ballot.

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Michael Bloomberg’s 12 Years At The Helm Of New York City Come To An End

Over the course of three elections and 12 years, Michael Bloomberg spent more than $260m of his own money on first winning, and then holding tightly on to, New York city’s mayoralty.

On New Year’s Day though, his three terms in office end and he is handing power over without a fight.

Bloomberg leaves office having in many ways defined the New York city of the early 21st century, and having ensured that for the near future at least the city will be shaped in his own image.

Once a Republican, eventually accused in some quarters of attempting to create a nanny state, Bloomberg left his fingerprints on New York’s public health, policing, education system and skyline.

Whole neighbourhoods, entire sections of the city, changed in fundamental ways over the 12 years disused Brooklyn waterfronts became sparkling high-rise apartments and districts once dominated by warehouses and blue-collar jobs were reimagined as parks for families and tourists to enjoy.

Bloomberg’s administration poured money into redeveloping Manhattan’s far west side, backing a $2.4bn extension of a subway line to carry passengers to projects such as Hudson Yards and Manhattan West, which will take years to complete but will eventually see once-neglected areas turned into developments for businesses and luxury apartments.

The change has been striking, and many areas have undoubtedly been cleaned up and made more desirable. But that has not always been good news for people living in the city.

Move To Homewood And Early 20th Century History

Michael Bloomberg donates $50 million to Boston Museum of ...

In the early 20th century, the university outgrew its buildings and the trustees began to search for a new home. Developing Clifton for the university was too costly, and 30 acres of the estate had to be sold to the city as public park. A solution was achieved by a team of prominent locals who acquired the estate in north Baltimore known as . On February 22, 1902, this land was formally transferred to the university. The flagship building, Gilman Hall, was completed in 1915. The relocated in Fall of 1914 and the followed in 1916. These decades saw the ceding of lands by the university for the public Wyman Park and Wyman Park Dell and the , coalescing in the contemporary area of 140 acres .

Prior to becoming the main Johns Hopkins campus, the Homewood estate had initially been the gift of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Maryland planter and signer of the , to his son Charles Carroll Jr. The original structure, the 1801 , still stands and serves as an on-campus museum. The brick and marble style of Homewood House became the architectural inspiration for much of the university campus versus the style of other historic American universities.

In 1909, the university was among the first to start adult programs and in 1916 it founded the US’ first .

Since the 1910s, Johns Hopkins University has famously been a “fertile cradle” to ‘s .

Presidents of the university

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Who Is Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg was born on February 14, 1942, in Boston, Massachusetts. Bloomberg put himself through Johns Hopkins and Harvard and became a partner at Salomon Brothers. He started his own company which revolutionized the distribution of financial information and made him a billionaire. Bloomberg became mayor of New York City in 2002, and he later won election to a second and a controversial third term. Afterward, the businessman and philanthropist devoted himself to combating the effects of climate change, before spending heavily in an unsuccessful attempt to claim the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

Center For Talented Youth

The Johns Hopkins University also offers the “” programa nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying and developing the talents of the most promising K-12 grade students worldwide. As part of the Johns Hopkins University, the “Center for Talented Youth” or CTY helps fulfill the university’s mission of preparing students to make significant future contributions to the world. The Johns Hopkins Digital Media Center is a multimedia lab space as well as an equipment, technology and knowledge resource for students interested in exploring creative uses of emerging media and use of technology.

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Preservation And Development Issues

Bloomberg is a proponent of large-scale development. He has repeatedly supported projects such as the Pacific Park mega-development, the Hudson Yards Redevelopment and associated rail-yard development , and the Harlem rezoning proposal. On smaller-scale issues, Bloomberg usually takes the side of development as well. He favors the demolition of Admiral’s Row to build a supermarket parking lot. However, Bloomberg has occasionally sided with preservation, most notably in vetoing landmark revocation for the Austin Nichols warehouse. This move was widely applauded by architectural historians. The City Council overruled the veto shortly thereafter, however.

A Life Of Influence And Impact

Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg Stresses Optimism, Reflects On 9/11

Upon leaving City Hall, Bloomberg returned to the company he founded while also devoting more time to philanthropy, which has been a top priority for him throughout his career. Today, Bloomberg Philanthropies employs a unique data-driven approach to global change that grows out of his experiences as an entrepreneur and mayor. Bloomberg has pledged to give away nearly all his money during his lifetime and has so far donated $11.1 billion to a wide variety of causes and organizations.

In addition to Bloomberg Philanthropies five areas of focus public health, arts and culture, the environment, education, and government innovation Bloomberg continues to support projects of great importance to him, including his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University. He served as chairman of the board of trustees from 1996 to 2001, and the universitys School of Hygiene and Public Health is named the Bloomberg School of Public Health in recognition of his commitment and support. In 2018, he gave $1.8 billion to allow Johns Hopkins to permanently accept and enroll students without regard to their ability to pay the largest gift in the history of American higher education.

Mike gave $1.8 billion to his alma mater Johns Hopkins to forever guarantee need-blind admissions for all students.

Mike gave $1.8 billion to his alma mater Johns Hopkins to forever guarantee need-blind admissions for all students.

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List Of Michael Bloomberg 2020 Presidential Campaign Endorsements

List of Michael Bloomberg 2020 presidential campaign endorsements
November 24, 2019
Headquarters 229 West 43rd Street
Key people Kelly Mehlenbacher deputy COOAdvisors:
A new choice for DemocratsMike Will Get It DoneI Like Mike

This is a list of notable individuals and organizations who have voiced their endorsement of Michael Bloomberg‘s campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Officials below the level of state legislator and all other individuals and entities are listed only if they have a Wikipedia page or are otherwise clearly notable.

Mayor Of New York City

While at the helm of his company, Bloomberg served on the boards of leading cultural institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Central Park Conservancy, and the Jewish Museum, and he donated $100 million to Johns Hopkins University. Yet he was known for tyrannical outbursts in the Bloomberg offices, browbeating employees and turning against anyone who left his firm. Intensely competitive, Bloomberg, a lifelong Democrat, entered the 2001 race for mayor of New York City as a Republican. Bloomberg funded much of his mayoral campaign himself, spending more than $68 million from his personal fortune .

Bloombergs campaign themes focused on issues of great concern to New Yorkers: improvements in traffic and transit, housing, and education. What helped him most, however, was the endorsement of outgoing New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, whose leadership following the was universally praised. After trailing badly in the polls just weeks before the November 6 election, Bloomberg won the mayors race. He immediately led redevelopment efforts, pushed for the passage of a controversial citywide smoking ban , revitalized tourism, and erased the citys budget deficit.

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Does He Have A Chance

Mr. Bloombergs path is unconventional in the extreme: skipping the early-voting states and debates to focus on delegate-rich contests in March and beyond. He has the resources to pull it off millions upon millions of dollars of his own money to flood the airwaves with his ads. But if another candidate claims momentum in February, Mr. Bloomberg could have a difficult time breaking through.

New York City Mayoral Election

Media Tycoon And Former New York City Mayor Michael ...


The 2009 election for Mayor of New York City took place on Tuesday, November 3. The incumbent Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, an independent who left the Republican Party in 2008, won reelection on the Republican and Independence Party/Jobs & Education lines with 50.7% of the vote over the retiring City Comptroller, Bill Thompson, a Democrat , who won 46.3%. Thompson had won the Democratic primary election on September 15 with 71% of the vote over City Councilman Tony Avella and Roland Rogers. This was the fifth straight mayoral victory by Republican candidates in New York despite the city’s strongly Democratic leaning in national and state elections.

Six other parties’ candidates also contested the general election in November. Stephen Christopher of the Conservative Party of New York won 1.6% of the votes, more than the combined total of all the other minor candidates. The turnout of votersfewer than 350,000 in September and fewer than 1.2 million in Novemberwas relatively low for recent mayoral elections, and Bloomberg won with fewer votes than any successful mayoral candidate had received since women joined the city’s electorate in 1917.

As of 2021, this is the last mayoral election in which a candidate on the Republican ballot line carried Manhattan or Queens.

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Public Image And Lifestyle

Throughout his business career, Bloomberg has made numerous statements which have been considered by some to be insulting, derogatory, sexist or misogynistic. When working on Wall Street in the 1960s and 1970s, Bloomberg claimed in his 1997 autobiography, he had “a girlfriend in every city”. On various occasions, Bloomberg allegedly commented “I’d do her”, regarding certain women, some of whom were coworkers or employees. Bloomberg later said that by “do”, he meant that he would have a personal relationship with the woman. Bloomberg’s staff told the New York Times that he now regrets having made “disrespectful” remarks concerning women.

During his term as mayor, he lived at his own home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan instead of Gracie Mansion, the official mayoral residence. In 2013, he owned 13 properties in various countries around the world, including a $20 million Georgian mansion in Southampton, New York. In 2015, he acquired 4 Cheyne Walk, a historical property in Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, which once belonged to writer George Eliot. Bloomberg and his daughters own houses in Bermuda and stay there frequently.

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Michael Bloombergs Many Houses: A Somewhat Complete List

Everyone with a television can agree: Mike Bloombergdid not do so well at the Democratic debate last week. The billionaire former mayor of New York City suffered blinding attacks from Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the group, and was mostly unsuccessful in his attempts to turn the tables. He did, however, throw out one practiced line about Sanders: The best-known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses.

Sanders replied by detailing his real estate portfolio, which, like many members of Congress, includes a house in D.C. as well as a house in his hometown, in his case Burlington, Vermont. He also has a summer home on Lake Champlain. Which tax haven is your home? he asked Bloomberg.

Bloomberg retorted that he pays taxes and lives in New York City, but the truth, of course, is much more complicatedand luxurious. Bloomberg does live in New York, and depending on how you count them, he reportedly has eight homes in the state. He also reportedly owns several properties in London, Florida, Colorado, and Bermuda, where locals have referred to him as a part-time resident.

Early Years And Daniel Coit Gilman

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg Reconsidering 2020 Presidential Run

The trustees worked alongside four notable university presidents of , of , of and of . They each vouched for to lead the new University and he became the university’s first president. Gilman, a -educated scholar, had been serving as president of the prior to this appointment. In preparation for the university’s founding, visited and other German universities.

Gilman launched what many at the time considered an audacious and unprecedented academic experiment to merge teaching and research. He dismissed the idea that the two were mutually exclusive: “The best teachers are usually those who are free, competent and willing to make original researches in the library and the laboratory,” he stated. To implement his plan, Gilman recruited internationally known researchers including the mathematician the biologist the physicist , the and Charles D. Morris the economist and the chemist , who became the second president of the university in 1901.

Gilman focused on the expansion of graduate education and support of faculty research. The new university fused advanced scholarship with such professional schools as medicine and engineering. Hopkins became the national trendsetter in programs and the host for numerous scholarly journals and associations. The , founded in 1878, is the oldest American in continuous operation.

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