Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Many People Read The New York Times

Use Google To Read 5 Articles For Free Daily

The Population Bomb? | Retro Report | The New York Times

This method still limits you somewhat, but youll get a lot more free content than you would if you simply went directly to the New York Times website.

If youve stumbled on any other ways to bypass the New York Times limits on free access, please share in the comments.

Technology has taken a vantage leap in providing solutions for man. Before now, technology used to appear complex and would require a great deal of expertise to handle solutions available. Today, we have technology applicable in the simplest human activities as smart products with intelligent algorithms powering them as they make error-free judgments and provide intelligent and analytic solutions.

The New York Times Aims To Convert Newsletter Readers Into Paid Subscribers As The Morning Newsletter Tops 1 Billion Opens

The New York Times flagship morning newsletter The Morning hit a milestone in January 2021: over 1 billion unique opens since it launched in May 2020.

The newsletter represents a direct and important relationship between the Times and its readers, and a path to converting daily newsletter subscribers into subscribers of The New York Times journalism, according to Adam Pasick, editorial director of newsletters at The New York Times.

Newsletters are a great way to grow a subscription business. Subscribing to a newsletter is a healthy habit that can bear fruits down the line, said Pasick. However, the strategy for converting The Mornings subscribers to Times subscribers is still in progress, and we are continuing to learn how to optimize that dynamic, he said. The Times would not share how many subscribers have been converted from the newsletter. A digital subscription to the Times currently costs $8 a month for the first year, before going up to $17 a month.

The Times also would not say how many people subscribe to The Morning newsletter, which is the publishers largest newsletter. The average open rate is significantly higher than when we launched in 2020, according to Jordan Cohen, executive director of communications at the Times, and the vast majority of opens for The Morning occur within the first three hours of it being sent, due to the West Coast time zone, noted Pasick.

Estimated Newspaper Circulation Using Two Different Data Sources


Pew Research Center

The addition of these figures would also change the overall picture for combined print and digital circulation. In previous years, including these subscription numbers with the AAM circulation data would not have changed the overall circulation picture, as total circulation would still decline. In 2020, however, including the Times and the Journals digital subscribers reverses the trend: Total weekday circulation would rise by 10%, not fall by 6%, as is the case when looking strictly at the AAM data. For comparison, the chart above shows estimated total weekday circulation using just the AAM data and when the digital subscriber numbers from the Times and the Journal are included over the past five years. For more details on how this affects our estimates and conclusions, see this post on our Decoded blog.

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Average Paid And Verified Weekday Circulation Of The New York Times From 2000 To 2020


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Read For Free: Easy Version


As much as a paywall might get your hackles up, the folks running the Times understand that no amount of digital subscription revenue would make up for the sting an page view exodus. Thats whyin addition to 20 free articles a month, which is pretty generous for your average casual readerthey built in this little clause:

Readers who come to Times articles through links from search, blogs and social media like Facebook and Twitter will be able to read those articles, even if they have reached their monthly reading limit. For some search engines, users will have a daily limit of free links to Times articles.

Thats similar to the model thats been employed by the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times, and means that if theres ever an NYT article youre blocked from? You can just copy and paste the headline into Google for free and easy access. Even if you hit your unspecified daily limit on Google, you can head on over to Bing or, if youre feeling 2002 about it, Alta Vista.

If thats too labor intensive , then its time to make Twitter your new best friend. Between individual journos, print sections, and blogs, there are a whopping 252 Twitter accounts associated with the NYTnone of them shy about pushing out their content. Pick and choose your favorites, or for the full firehose of every single NYT article just follow @freeUnnamedNews .

Well, youll get 20 free articles a month, of course, and thats a lot more New York Times than a lot of folks want to read.

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Total Estimated Circulation Of Us Daily Newspapers


Pew Research Center

, the source of this circulation data and the group that audits the circulation figures of many of the largest North American newspapers and other publications, changed their reporting period in 2020 from a three-month period to a six-month period. As such, in 2020, the comparison is between average circulation for the three months ending September 2019 and the six months ending September 2020. Additional details about how the circulation estimate is calculated can be found in the methodological note below.)

Within this total circulation figure, weekday print circulation decreased 19% and Sunday print circulation decreased 14%.

Trumps Bid To Subvert The Election

A monthslong campaign.During his last days in office, President Donald J. Trump and his allies undertook an increasingly urgent effort to undermine the election results. That wide-ranging campaign included perpetuating false and thoroughly debunked claims of election fraud as well as pressing government officials for help.

Baseless claims of voter fraud.Although Mr. Trumps allegations of a stolen election have died in the courts and election officials of both parties from every state have said there is no evidence of fraud, Republicans across the country continued to spread conspiracy theories. Those include 147 House Republicans who voted against certifying the election.

Intervention at the Justice Department.Rebuffed by ranking Republicans and cabinet officials like Attorney General William P. Barr, who stepped down weeks before his tenure was to end, Mr. Trump sought other avenues to peddle his unfounded claims. In a bid to advance his personal agenda, Mr. Trump plotted to oust the acting attorney general and pressed top officials to declare that the election was corrupt. His chief of staff pushed the department to investigate an array of outlandish and unfounded conspiracy theories that held that Mr. Trump had been the victor.

These sorts of arguments are unsurprising after a disinformation campaign like Mr. Trumps, experts said, and they tend to insulate legislative efforts from challenges based on the facts of how rare fraud is.

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Does Technology Have All The Answers

This article from Credit Suisse, tells us that technology does not have all the answers because it has been found to exhibit similar biases, as humans. No one can discredit the impact of technology, but it is not totally free of human input and this is the reason we experience these biases in many areas we have technology holding foot.

Nyt Accused Of Disinformation About A Capitol Officer’s Death

Dying at the Hospital Door: Ebola Virus Outbreak | The New York Times

The New York Times was accused of spreading disinformation in early 2021 after its story about a Capitol police officer being beaten to death with fire extinguisher story turned out to be untrue, after spreading rapidly through the press following the .

In January 2021, The New York Times reported on the death of officer Brian D. Sicknick, a Capitol police officer who responded to the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. The New York Times initially said that Sicknick was struck by a fire extinguisher, citing two unnamed law enforcement officials. But The New York Times , adding a disclaimer: “New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.” The headline has also been changed to Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage.

The story was finally laid to rest when a medical examiner ruled in April that Sicknick died of natural causes and did not find any evidence of internal or external injuries.

The original Times article was headlined, He Dreamed of Being a Police Officer, Then Was Killed By a Pro-Trump Mob.

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New York Times V Sullivan

The paper’s involvement in a 1964 libel case helped bring one of the key United States Supreme Court decisions supporting freedom of the press, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. In it, the United States Supreme Court established the “actual malice” standard for press reports about public officials or public figures to be considered defamatory or libelous. The malice standard requires the plaintiff in a defamation or libel case to prove the publisher of the statement knew the statement was false or acted in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity. Because of the high burden of proof on the plaintiff, and difficulty proving malicious intent, such cases by public figures rarely succeed.

We Built Collaborative Editing For Our Newsrooms Cms Heres How

Sophia Ciocca and Jeff Sisson

It takes a lot of people to publish an article at The New York Times, and sometimes things get messy. Several reporters and editors may participate in the writing, revising and publication of a single story, and that collaboration is often nonlinear, which can lead to people stepping on each others toes.

This is especially true in breaking news situations when many types of collaborators need to make edits to a document at the same time. When we first created Oak, The Timess next-generation article editing interface, only one person could work on a document at a time. Oak used field locking to facilitate some simultaneous collaboration features, like letting different people edit separate metadata fields, but only one person could edit the body of an article at a time.

It was clear to us that a more perfect article editor would allow collaborators to work in a document concurrently and seamlessly. Oak needed a collaborative editing feature.

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Trump Bump: Nyt And Wapo Digital Subscriptions Tripled Since 2016

The New York Times and The Washington Post have very different strategies for building the subscription news company of the future.

The big picture: Sources tell Axios that the Post is nearing 3 million digital subscribers, a 50% year-over-year growth in subscriptions and more than 3x the number of digital-only subscribers it had in 2016. The New York Times now has more than 6 million digital-only subscribers, nearly 3x its number from 2016.

  • Much of the Post’s growth is attributed to back-end technology investments supported by The Post’s owner Jeff Bezos.

The Times has been vocal about its strategy to build brand awareness to drive subscriptions, which includes everything from launching TV shows to hiring big-name journalists with loyal audiences and building products around them.

  • It’s also focused on creating editorial products that it hopes will help make it a daily habit for readers, like its cooking and crossword apps.

Why it matters: Both companies are growing at an impressive pace, especially given the bleak outlook for media amid the pandemic. But the Times’ recent investments in stars like Ezra Klein, Ben Smith, Kara Swisher, and Jane Coaston has some media insiders wondering about The Post’s plans.

The Times has also leaned heavily into its opinion section, recruiting big names to not only write columns, but also to launch new opinion podcasts.

Between the lines: Much of The Post’s strategy is informed by its ties to Bezos.

The New York Times Readership Statistics: Final Thoughts

Pin on End of america

All things considered, the future looks bright for The New York Times.

Several internal scandals hit the paperin 2020, but they didnt affect its popularity or the publics trust in its news coverage in the United States or abroad. Whats more, it ranks among the most popular outlets in other English-speaking countries, particularly Australia and Canada.

Even though its print readership is declining, the huge spike in online subscriptions in 2020 is certainly encouraging. The Times and its website attract mostly young, affluent readers, which will surely help attract advertisers once the pandemic-related financial crisis is over.


Who reads The New York Times?

The papers readership is 51% male and 49% female, meaning that men and women read it equally. Most of its readers are young 34% are aged 3049, and 29% are aged 1829. It attracts people from all income classes, but most earn more than $75,000 a year.

As for The Times readerships racial makeup, 71% of its readers are white, 10% Latino, and 4% Black. Its readers are also very educated, with 71% having at least a university degree.

What is the readership of The New York Times?

According to 2020 data, The New York Times website alone had 130 million unique monthly readers. This is on par with its readership from three years ago and a 100% increase from 2016.

How many copies of The New York Times are sold daily?
What is the circulation of the Sunday New York Times?

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User The Ny Times Paywall User Script

If the bookmarklet process described above sounds too complicated or time-consuming , or youd rather just automate the process of getting to the free version of a NY Times article every time you hit a stop page asking you to subscribe, a user script is just what the doctor ordered. Install the NY Times Paywall user script from Firefox users will first need to install Greasemonkey, and then click Install on the script pages. Chrome users just need to click Install, while Safari users can set up Greasekit to manage user scripts. For Internet Explorer the Trixie add-on should help you manage user scripts.

How Does The Eye Stay Lubricated

Think of the tear film that coats and lubricates the eye as a three-layer sandwich, with each layer produced by different glands. The meibomian glands in the upper and lower eyelids create an oily outer layer that stabilizes the film. If the film breaks up too quickly, blurry vision is the likely result. Next are two sets of lacrimal glands that supply the watery tears. Innermost is the mucin layer that attracts water and helps to spread the tear film over the surface of the cornea. Even if the tear supply is adequate, a mucin deficiency can impede wetting of the cornea and damage its surface.

Both the meibomian and lacrimal glands have receptors for the sex hormones, androgen and estrogen, and a decrease in hormone levels likely explains why dry eye problems increase in women at menopause and in men who are treated with anti-androgen therapy for prostate cancer. Indeed, the most common cause of dry eye is evaporation of moisture from the eyes from dysfunction of the meibomian glands that results in instability of the tear film.

Medications that treat other conditions can interfere with adequate tear production. Common culprits include antihistamines, beta blockers, oral contraceptives, diuretics and drugs used to treat Parkinsons disease, anxiety disorders, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and abnormal heart rhythms.

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Estimated Advertising And Circulation Revenue Of The Newspaper Industry


Pew Research Center

In the chart above, data through 2012 comes from the trade group formerly known as the Newspaper Association of America , now known as the News Media Alliance . Data from 2013 onward is based on the Centers analysis of financial statements from publicly traded U.S. newspaper companies, which in 2020 numbered five and accounted for more than 300 U.S. daily newspapers, from large national papers to midsize metro dailies and local papers. From 2013 onward, the year-over-year percentage change in advertising and circulation revenue for these companies is calculated and then applied to the previous years revenue totals as reported by the NMA/NAA. In testing this method, changes from 2006 through 2012 generally matched those as reported by the NMA/NAA for more details, see our 2016 report.

Their Days May Be More Hectic Than Most But They Always Make Time To Stay Informed

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It. | ‘Almost Famous’ by Op-Docs

Staying informed is a constant struggle for most of us, let alone people with high-profile, high-pressure jobs. There’s usually not time to leisurely read a favorite paper over coffee.

Yet catching up on news is an important part of what’s often a very early morning for many of the world’s most successful people.

Now we would like everyone to read Business Insider in the morning , but it turns out some very important people have their own favorite sources of news.

1. Warren Buffett starts his days with an assortment of national and local news.

The billionaire investor tells CNBC he reads the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the New York Times, USA Today, the Omaha World-Herald, and the American Banker in the mornings. That’s a hefty list to get through.

2. David Cush reads five newspapers and listens to sports radio on a bike at the gym.

The Virgin America CEO told the AP that he wakes up at 4:15 a.m. on the West Coast to send emails and call people on the East Coast. Then he heads to the gym, hops on an exercise bike, listens to Dallas sports radio, and reads his daily papers, which include the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, and Financial Times.

3. Bill Gates reads the national papers and gets a daily news digest.

4. Dave Girouard reads the New York Times and Wall Street Journal on his Nexus 7, and mixes in some Winston Churchill.

5. David Heinemeier Hansson flicks through tech blogs.

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