Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Who Is One Of New York Senators Now

List Of New York State Senators

20 Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now? (New York) 2008 US Citizenship Test 100 Questions
This list is incomplete you can help by adding missing items.

This is a complete list of members of the New York State Senate, past and present. Members currently serving in the Senate as of January 2020 are listed in black with a pink background.

17771778, 17791781, 17871791 Western
17781779, 17801781, 17841788, 17951803 Eastern
17801784 17861790 17921797 Western
17771778, 17791785, 17891793 Eastern

New Yorks Next Governor: Kathy Hochul

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo surprised many on Tuesday when he announced he would resign from office, this after a state investigation released last week alleged that he sexually harassed eleven women and violated state law. Gov. Cuomo denied acting inappropriately, but said he would step down to let the government get back to governing. When he does leave office, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will succeed him, becoming the 57th Governor of New York, and the first female governor in the states history. What changes can we expect from a Gov. Hochul administration? Will there be a power shift in Albany? What impact will this have on New Yorkers? Tonight, we head to Albany to talk with political insider Dan Clark, who is the host and Managing editor of WMHTS New York NOW.










The Indivisible Guide To The New York State Legislature

The 2018 blue wave brought progressive change around the country and its impact was especially powerful in New York. Progressive legislation has stalled for years in New York State because of the Independent Democratic Conference , a group of breakaway Democratic senators who maintained a power-sharing agreement with the Republican Caucus. In 2018, Indivisible groups and progressive advocates in NY worked hard to replace most IDC members with genuinely progressive Democratic senators.

As a result of this political activism, NYS is a new blue trifecta, meaning Democrats control both chambers of the legislature and the governorship. Now its time to make New York State into a national progressive leader. Our new blue trifecta gives us the power to pass innovative policy and become a bellwether for progressives nationwide. We have a lot of years of stalled legislation to make up for!

Indivisible groups are ready to lead this charge.Some New York Democrats are with ustheyve been just as frustrated by the IDC and the Republican-controlled Senate as we have, and theyre excited to get to work. Some more moderate Democrats are nervous. Theyll finally have to take votes on progressive issues that have stalled in the Senate for years. Its up to us to hold them accountable.

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Byron Brown & India Walton

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown has been a staple in Western New York politics for years. But after a decade and a half of Brown running City Hall, Buffalo Democrats felt it was time to give India Walton a turn. Walton, a nurse, activist and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, notched a major upset win by beating Brown in the Democratic mayoral primary this summer. However, the battle between old-school Democrats and the emerging new left had only just begun. Brown lost a court battle for an independent ballot line to serve a fifth term but is mounting an active write-in campaign that could keep him from losing to Walton again in November.

Theres Never Been A Better Time For Civic Engagement

Botched 2008 Case Against Another Senator Looms Over ...

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New York Loses House Seat After Coming Up 89 People Short On Census

New population figures released on Monday confirmed that after the latest census, New York would lose a congressional seat, but only by the narrowest of margins.

By Shane Goldmacher

New Yorks congressional delegation will shrink by one seat after the 2022 election, the Census Bureau announced on Monday, but the state came excruciatingly close to snapping an eight-decade streak of declining representation in Washington: It was 89 residents short, to be precise.

The figure, revealed during the Census Bureaus announcement of which states would gain and lose seats in the House of Representatives after the decennial population survey, meant that if New York had counted 89 more people last year than the 20,215,751 who were tallied, it would have held on to the House seat. Instead, it went to Minnesota, which came close to losing a seat.

It was the narrowest margin by which a state lost a seat in the modern era, according to census data. The next closest call was in 1970, when Oregon fell short by 231 residents.

And it means that New Yorks congressional delegation will continue a steady decline in size that began in the 1940s, when the state boasted 45 members of the House. Now it will have only 26.

The tight margin led to some immediate recrimination about how New York had prepared for the count, which took place as the coronavirus surged in the state. Some progressive lawmakers and officials in New York City cast particular blame on Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.

Understand The Us Debt Ceiling

What is the debt ceiling?The debt ceiling, also called the debt limit, is a cap on the total amount of money that the federal government is authorized to borrow via U.S. Treasury bills and savings bonds to fulfill its financial obligations. Because the U.S. runs budget deficits, it must borrow huge sums of money to pay its bills.

When will the debt limit be breached?After Senate leaders agreed to a short-term deal to raise the debt ceiling on Oct. 7, the Treasury estimated that the government can continue borrowing through Dec. 3. The deal sets up yet another consequential deadline for the first Friday in December.

Why does the U.S. limit its borrowing?According to the Constitution, Congress must authorize borrowing. The debt limit was instituted in the early 20th century so the Treasury did not need to ask for permission each time it needed to issue bonds to pay bills.

What would happen if the debt limit was hit?Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Congress that inaction on raising the debt limit could lead to a self-inflicted economic recession and a financial crisis. She also said that failing to raise the debt ceiling could affect programs that help millions of Americans, including delays to Social Security payments.

Do other countries do it this way?Denmark also has a debt limit, but it is set so high that raising it is generally not an issue. Most other countries do not. In Poland, public debt cannot exceed 60 percent of gross domestic product.

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Ratings From Advocacy Organizations

Does 30 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. But there are other legislative activities that we dont track that are also important, including offering amendments, committee work and oversight of the other branches, and constituent services.

We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a) it is enacted itself, b) it has a companion bill in the other chamber which was enacted, or c) if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted .

Geoffrey Canada & Kwame Owusu

GOTTA SEE IT: Senators & Rangers Scrap Multiple Times In First Period

For years, Harlem Childrens Zone President Geoffrey Canada has sought to educate Harlems children block by block until the entire neighborhood has access to a proper education. Along with Kwame Owusu-Kesse, who was promoted from chief operating officer to the chief executive position last year, Canada is seeing that mission through with several charter schools, parenting workshops, health programs and preschool programs.

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New York Proposal 1 Redistricting Changes Amendment

New York Proposal 1, the New York Redistricting Changes Amendment, is on the ballot in New York as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on .

A “yes” vote supports this measure to:

* change the vote thresholds for adopting redistricting plans when one political party controls both legislative chambers

* require that incarcerated persons be counted at the place of their last residence for redistricting

* require the state to count residents, including people who are residents but not citizens, should the federal census fail to do so

* remove the block-on-border requirement for Senate districts

* cap the number of state senators at 63 and

* move up the timeline for redistricting and repeal inoperative language.

A “no” vote opposes this this constitutional amendment, thus maintaining the existing vote thresholds for adopting redistricting plans when one political party controls both legislative chambers, keeping the existing timeline for redistricting, and allowing the number of state senators to be increased above 63.

Learn About Your State Elected Officials

Indivisible States has lots of information on how to learn about who represents you in the state legislature and how to keep track of what theyre up to.

Its also useful to follow other key elected officialsnot so that you can lobby them directly, but so you can work with other Indivisibles who are represented by those legislators. Some other key people to watch in Albany are:

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Democrats Control Senate Parliamentary Coup Occurs

Democrats won 32 of 62 seats in New York’s upper chamber in the 2008 general election on November 4, capturing the majority for the first time in more than four decades.

However, a power struggle emerged before the new term began. Four Democratic senators Rubén Díaz Sr. , Carl Kruger , Pedro Espada, Jr. , and Hiram Monserrate immediately refused to caucus with their party. The self-named “Gang of Four” refused to back Malcolm Smith as the chamber’s majority leader and sought concessions. Monserrate soon rejoined the caucus after reaching an agreement with Smith that reportedly included the chairmanship of the Consumer Affairs Committee. The remaining “Gang of Three” reached an initial compromise in early December that collapsed within a week, but was ultimately resolved with Smith becoming majority leader.

Following the coup, Senate Democrats voted for John Sampson to replace Smith as Democratic Leader. On June 14, Monserrate declared that he would once again caucus with the Democrats. This development meant that the Senate was evenly split, 3131, between the Republican Conference and the Democratic Conference. Due to a vacancy in the office of the Lieutenant Governor, there was no way to break the deadlock.

Hawk & Chivona Newsome

What 9 disgraced New York politicians are up to now

The year may change, but the work remains the same for Hawk and Chivona Newsome, the founders of Black Lives Matter Greater New York. Since 2016, the siblings have rarely missed a chance to protest against police brutality, including in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, when BLM activists took to the streets against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Dermot Shea and advocated for the reallocation of police funds to other city agencies.

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Chris Alexander & Tremaine Wright

Shortly after she succeeded Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Gov. Kathy Hochul moved to jump-start the implementation of a new state law legalizing recreational marijuana while also demonstrating an ability to cooperate with the state Legislature. She did so by naming former Assembly Member Tremaine Wright to chair New Yorks new Cannabis Control Board and installing Chris Alexander, a former state Senate associate counsel, to run the new state Office of Cannabis Management. The two will play critical roles in rolling out regulations and the licensing of companies to sell recreational marijuana in the state.

Find Your State Senator

Abbot – Senate District 4 – Paul T. Davis, Sr.

Acton – Senate District 34 – Joseph Rafferty

Addison – Senate District 6 –

Albany Township – Senate District 18 – Lisa Keim

Albion – Senate District 16 – Scott W. Cyrway

Alexander – Senate District 6 –

Amity – Senate District 2 – Trey L. Stewart

Andover – Senate District 18 – Lisa Keim

Atlantic – Senate District 7 – Louis J. Luchini

Auburn – Senate District 20 – Ned Claxton

Augusta – Senate District 15 – Matthew Pouliot

Aurora – Senate District 7 – Louis J. Luchini

Avon – Senate District 17 – Russell Black

Bailey Island – Senate District 24 – Matthea Daughtry

Baileyville – Senate District 6 –

Bancroft – Senate District 2 – Trey L. Stewart

Bangor – Senate District 9 – Joseph Baldacci

Bar Harbor – Senate District 7 – Louis J. Luchini

Bar Mills – Senate District 30 – Stacy Brenner

Baring Plantation – Senate District 6 –

Bath – Senate District 23 – Eloise A. Vitelli

Beals – Senate District 6 –

Beaver Cove – Senate District 4 – Paul T. Davis, Sr.

Beddington – Senate District 6 –

Belfast – Senate District 11 – Chip Curry

Belgrade – Senate District 17 – Russell Black

Belgrade Lakes – Senate District 17 – Russell Black

Belmont – Senate District 11 – Chip Curry

Bernard – Senate District 7 – Louis J. Luchini

Berry Township – Senate District 6 –

Berwick – Senate District 34 – Joseph Rafferty

Berwick – Senate District 35 –

Bethel – Senate District 18 – Lisa Keim

Biddeford Pool – Senate District 32 – Susan A. Deschambault

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Kathy Hochul Now New York Governor

Kathy Hochul is now the 57th Governor of New York State after a midnight swearing in ceremony in Albany. Hochul is the first woman governor of the Empire State. She is Irish American and proud of it and here below is what she wrote of her family and Irish roots in the 2021 Irish Echo St. Patrick’s Day edition.

This Saint Patricks Day is again different than years past, but the Irish-American spirit still perseveres.

Gop Blocks Infrastructure Debate In Senate Raising Doubts About A Deal

The Race for the 46th State Senate District | New York NOW

The failed test vote reflected mistrust between Democrats and Republicans, raising questions about whether they could agree on a key piece of President Bidens agenda.

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By Emily Cochrane

WASHINGTON Republicans blocked the Senate on Wednesday from taking up an emerging bipartisan infrastructure plan, raising doubts about the fate of a major piece of President Bidens agenda even as negotiators continued to seek a compromise.

The failed vote underscored the intense mistrust between the two parties, which has complicated the effort to complete a deal. Both Republicans and Democrats in the group seeking a deal say they are still making progress toward agreement on a package with nearly $600 billion in new funds for roads, bridges, rail, transit and other infrastructure, which could be the first major infusion of federal public works spending since the 2009 stimulus law.

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, forced the vote in a bid to intensify pressure for a swift resolution to the talks, acting over the pleas of centrist Republicans who said they needed more time to solidify their deal with Democrats. With many Democrats harboring concerns that Republicans will drag out the process only to withhold support from a final bill, he argued that there was still time to iron out final details.

We need to move as fast as we can, he added. Im not critical of the pressure to move thats the nature of the job.

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A Message From Speaker Carl E Heastie

Welcome to the New York State Assembly website.

Since its creation in 1777, the state Assembly has helped shape history, often leading the way with progressive action and reform. On February 3, 2015 the New York State Assembly continued making history by electing New York’s first African American Assembly Speaker. I am deeply proud of this honor.

The Assembly is known as the “People’s House” in New York. Here, we work every day to help improve the lives of all New…

  • NOTE NEW DATEOct 20 – 9:30 A.M. – Public HearingTo discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the overdose crisis
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  • NOTE NEW DATEOct 20 – 9:30 A.M. – Public HearingTo discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the overdose crisis
  • NOTE NEW DATE AND LOCATIONOct 20 – 10:00 A.M. – Public Hearing

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