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How Much Does Artificial Insemination Cost In New York

What Are The Common Concerns Related To Donor Insemination

MY IUI EXPERIENCE | What it was like and how much it cost.

There are several things that couples should discuss regarding donor insemination. In most cases, concerns focus mainly on what is best for each couple.It is important to discuss issues such as:

  • Your churchs religious position on donor insemination? Some denominations oppose donor insemination.
  • The fact that the father will not have a hereditary or genetic relationship with the child.
  • That the sperm donor is often anonymous which can prevent the child from knowing their biological history.
  • The secrecy that is often a part of donor insemination can lead to the feeling that something about it is morally or ethically wrong. This can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or fear.
  • The childs right to know and whether to reveal how conception has occurred.
  • Questions about the childs family likeness or the absence of it.

Good communication is the key to addressing these concerns.Many reproductive clinics will require that counseling be completed by the couple to ensure that any and all concerns have been addressed and worked through.Some couples may find it challenging to reach the same conclusion.Consequently, the best approach is to thoroughly discuss these issues before pursuing the insemination procedure.

What Is The Cost Of Artificial Insemination Per Live Birth

While IUI is often chosen because it represents a less invasive procedure, it is also sometimes chosen over IVF because the cost of the average IVF cycle is around $20,000. Upon initial examination, with prices ranging from around $650 to $4,700, artificial insemination costs significantly less and appears to be a good alternative to IVF. That said, IUIs have lower success rates across the board compared to IVF.

In fact, many practicing reproductive endocrinologists suggest trying only three IUIs before moving onto IVF. This is primarily based on evidence that suggests if an IUI is going to be successful, it most often happens within the first three IUI cycles. One study showed that 88% of successful IUIs will take place in the first three cycles and 95.5% within the first 4.

As you can see, the cumulative success of IUIs begins to flatten quite rapidly after the third attempted IUI. That means that after the third or fourth IUI, the cost per live birth for IUI treatment begins to skyrocket and the cost per live birth begins to favor IVF. As you can see, considering only the cost of a single IUI doesnt show you the whole picture of the total costs often associated with a successful IUI procedure.

How Does Artificial Insemination Work

Intrauterine insemination is often the choice of the two types of artificial insemination available. It is suitable not only for couples suffering from male infertility issues but also for women who have thick cervical mucus that prevents the sperm from reaching the egg during intercourse.

To prepare for the procedure, the woman is given medications to enhance fertility. Once the doctor is satisfied that fertility has been elevated, the sperm being used is separated from its seminal fluid, mixed with liquid, placed in a catheter, and injected into the uterus. Because its injected into the uterine cavity, the chance of conception is higher than that of normal intercourse.

ICI, or intracervical insemination, attempts to imitate natural intercourse. Semen is loaded into a specially-designed syringe and inserted into the vagina to be emptied near the cervix. The recipient lies on her back for a while after the procedure in hopes that the sperm will travel to the fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg.

This procedure can be done at home or at a medical facility. Success rates tend to range somewhere from about 5% to 30% per cycle, according to data.

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Additional Factors That Affect Cost For Artificial Insemination

Whether it is artificial insemination or any other kind of infertility treatment procedure, most treatment options have a number of additional factors that can hike the price up for the treatment. In the case of ICI and IUI, some factors that can change the expenses drastically include the following:

Types And Prices Of Artificial Insemination

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It is possible to carry out insemination in different ways which are:

  • Home insemination: It has an approximate cost of $ 150 and it is a kit mainly for same-sex couples who do not have fertility problems.
  • Intracervical insemination : It costs $ 200 to $ 300 and is the most widely used type of insemination and is performed in a doctors office. Sperm is placed near the cervix to increase the chance of reaching the uterus and fertilizing an egg.
  • Intrauterine insemination : It has a cost of $ 500 to $ 800 and in this case, the best sperm sample is chosen and deposited directly into the uterus through a sterile catheter.

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Additional Costs For Ivf Options

While basic IVF costs around $12,000, if you need additional assisted reproductive technologies, the cost will be higher.

For example, ICSI treatment may be an additional $1,000 to $2,500. Genetic testing of embryos, or PGT, may be around $3,000 or more. It may go as low as $1,800 or as high as $7,500.

Embryo freezing, including the initial freezing and storage, may cost an additional few to several hundred dollars. Yearly storage fees range anywhere from $200 to $800 per year.

If you have frozen embryos from a previous cycle and want to use them, doing so is significantly cheaper than doing a complete IVF cycle with fresh embryos. The average cost for a frozen embryo transfer is about $3,000 $5,000.

If you plan on using an egg donor, the overall cost will be significantly higherfrom $25,000 to $30,000 for one cycle. Using a sperm donor is less expensive, costing anywhere from $200 to $3,000 extra, or between $13,000 and $17,000 per IVF cycle.

Using a gestational carrier is the most expensive of all IVF options. If you include all the legal fees, agency fees, IVF costs, and payment to the gestational carrier, the cost can range anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000.

Embryo donation is the least expensive of the donor options. It’s often cheaper than a regular IVF cycle. An embryo donor cycle costs anywhere between $5,000 and $7,000. This is assuming the embryo has already been created.

Intrauterine Insemination Is A Cost

Intrauterine insemination , frequently called artificial insemination, is a fertility treatment where specially prepared sperm is inserted with a catheter into a womans uterus. The goal is to get as many sperm as possible near the fallopian tubes to increase the chances of fertilization and pregnancy.

Because it is less expensive and complicated than IVF, we typically start patients on several rounds of IUI before proceeding to assisted reproductive technologies.

The timing of the IUI is enhanced by the simultaneous use of fertility medications. Ovulation induction occurs with either pills or medication administered by injection . Because these medications induce the female to ovulate multiple eggs, she must be carefully monitored with blood tests and ultrasounds. Once a surge in LH, luteinizing hormone, is detected, ovulation occurs 24-36 hours later and the IUI is timed to coincide.

Semen is prepared in the laboratory by separating the sperm cells from the seminal fluid, and placing the sperm in a sterile nutrient solution that is inserted directly into the uterus.

This procedure is used when there is a hostile cervical environment that impedes the sperms progress, when the sperm quantity and/or quality is suboptimal, or for unexplained infertility.

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Who Can Access This Coverage

Importantly, the new legislation specifically states that this coverage is available to all, regardless of expected length of life, present or predicted disability, degree of medical dependency, perceived quality of life or other health conditions, or personal characteristics, including age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or gender identity. Coverage discrimination based on any of these factors is now prohibited.

Use Of Fertility Medications

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Artificial insemination may be performed with or without medication. For a natural IUI cycle, there is no medication to induce follicle development. The only thing here is that even though it is a natural cycle, hCG medication may be administered to synchronize the release of the arrival with the arrival of the sperm.

But in a medicated IUI cycle, fertility drugs are used to stimulate the body to mature and ovulate multiple drugs. The use of such drugs improves the chance of pregnancy than artificial insemination done without any medication. Some studies show that this chance can increase up to three-fold when compared to treatments without the use of fertility drugs. The most common drugs used for assisting with artificial insemination are clomid and letrozole.


Clomid is relatively inexpensive when compared to other fertility drugs and can range from $9 to $150 depending on dosage and whether you use a generic of brand name. For the generic version, you can get ten 50 mg clomiphene oral tablets priced at around $25 and a pack of thirty tablets for around $50. Prices will also vary from pharmacy to pharmacy with discount cards and promotions in place.

For the branded version, clomid can cost around $450 for a supply of 30 tablets. This price is for cash paying customers and not valid with insurance plans.


This price can also range slightly based on where you purchase your medication.

Injectable medications for IUI can cost between $2,000 and $4,000.

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New England Fertility Will Help You Understand Your Options

With clarity comes peace-of-mind, which is why we pride ourselves in offering transparent, flexible, and clearly defined pricing options to every patient we see. Regardless of your treatment plan, insurance coverage, travel arrangements, or any other expenses, well work with you to make sure you have a solid understanding of your options and the associated costs, and that there are no financial surprises down the road. Our team of experienced financial advisors are here to help make the family of your dreams a reality. Schedule your consultation today.

Frozen Embryo Transfers: $4000 Billed By The Fertility Clinic

The average cost of a Frozen Embryo Transfer is around $4,000, but ranges from $650 here at CNY to over $5,000. Frozen embryo transfers are rarely included in the base price of IVF, but are a NECESSARY procedure for a large number of patients who, as mentioned above have multiple embryos or for those whose uterine lining is not prepared in time for a fresh transfer.

The stimulation medications given to produce multiple eggs often makes it difficult for the womans body to prepare the uterine lining for the embryos in only a few short days after the egg retrieval. This can lower the odds of a successful fresh transfer making it may be medically advised to do a Freeze All cycle followed by an FET. Ultrasound and Bloodwork monitoring will help you and your reproductive endocrinologist make this decision during the stimulation phase of the IVF cycle.

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Is Donor Insemination Safe

Donor insemination has been shown to be very safe. Sperm donors accepted by sperm banks are required to present extensive family and personal medical histories.They are also given a thorough medical evaluation that includes screenings for sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of HIV antibodies, and a history of genetic disorders.Pregnancy resulting from donor insemination carries no greater health risk than pregnancy resulting from intercourse.Most reproductive clinics have a 6-month hold on all donor sperm so that it can be re-tested for certain diseases/disorders before it is used by a donor.

Icsi Cost: $1500 Billed By The Fertility Clinic

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The average cost of ICSI is around $1,500. However, this too is highly variable. Some clinics include it in their base pricing while others charge upwards of $3,000.

ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection may not be absolutely necessary for everyone, but it will be for many. It is the most popular fertilization method and generally offers the best assurance for fertilization.

The alternative to ICSI fertilization is conventional fertilization which is always be included in the base price of treatment.

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What Does Iui Feel Like Are There Any Side Effects

Generally, an IUI takes only a few minutes and patients experience very little pain many patients compare the sensation to that of a pap smear. Some may experience mild discomfort when the catheter is inserted past the cervix, however this is temporary and should subside by the end of the procedure. Some patients experience mild spotting or cramping immediately following the procedure.

What Happens During The Intrauterine Insemination Procedure

There are several steps involved on the day of your IUI procedure.

  • The patients partner arrives at the office at a scheduled time to produce a sperm sample in a private collection room. The sample could be produced at home and brought in, but the faster the lab can process the fresh sample, the better it will be for the sperm. Ideally, sperm should be processed within 30 minutes to an hour of collection.
  • If the sperm sample is from a donor, the sample will be thawed and then processed.
  • Our laboratory processes the sperm sample to increase the available sperm and the possibility of conception.
  • The insemination setup is similar to a Pap smear. The doctor cleans the cervix with a cotton swab and places a small catheter into the vagina and past the cervix to allow sperm to enter the uterus. The procedure causes little to no pain and only takes a few minutes.
  • After removing the catheter and speculum, you recline on the exam table for 10-15 minutes. This period of lying down actually improves pregnancy rates. However, research shows no additional benefit from resting longer than that time. You will return to your normal activities once you leave the office. The total time you will spend in our office will range from 30 minutes to two hours.
  • You may experience some cramping and slight vaginal bleeding after the procedure. Most women do not experience any additional symptoms.
  • After two weeks, you take a home pregnancy test. Hopefully its positive!

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Artificial Insemination At Home: Intracervical Insemination

A simpler artificial insemination method, intracervical insemination imitates natural intercourse. Unwashed, liquified semen is loaded into a syringe specially designed for ICI. Then it’s inserted inside of the vagina and slowly emptied near the cervix. A woman should lie on her back during the procedure and a half hour afterwards. If all goes well, the sperm will travel to the fallopian tubes and form a pregnancy.

ICI can be conducted at home or a medical center. The success rate ranges from about 5% to 30% per cycle and it may be more efficient if the woman places a sponge cap over the cervix for several hours afterwards to hold semen in place. Washing the sperm may also increase effectiveness. Note that ICI is sometimes called Intravaginal insemination .

Costs Of Frozen Embryo Transfer

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  • Embryo cryopreservation: $1,000 to $2,000. Freezing embryos takes several steps that may add to the cost of your IVF package. First, doctors must expose embryos to a cryoprotectant agent to prevent the formation of ice crystals. Then, the embryos undergo vitrification, a rapid-chill freezing process that also lowers the risk of ice crystals forming.
  • Embryo storage: $350 to $600 a year. Some clinics include up to one year of free storage in the base price of IVF.
  • Genetic testing: $1,800 to $6,000. Embryos may be frozen to wait for results of PGT, short for preimplantation genetic testing. There are multiple types of tests, and youll likely pay separately for each. Prices vary depending on which test your doctor recommends and to which genetics lab your clinic outsources its testing.
  • PGT-A, or preimplantation genetic testing-aneuploidy, screens for extra or missing chromosomes.
  • PGT-M, or preimplantation genetic testing-monogenic, looks for specific gene mutations that the embryo is at risk of inheriting based on the egg and sperm providers genes.
  • PGT-SR, or preimplantation genetic testing-structural rearrangements, tests for inversions, translocations, deletions and/or insertions within individual chromosomes.
  • PGT-P, or preimplantation genetic testing-polygenic disorders, the newest test, screens for the risk of polygenic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

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How Much Does Ivf Cost

If youre pricing IVF at fertility clinics in the United States, expect to be quoted roughly $12,000 to $14,000 for one cycle. This, however, doesnt mean youll pay that figure and be done. There are parts of the IVF processsome required, some optionalthat most clinics treat as add-ons to the base fee. Depending on your needs, a single IVF cycle can cost $30,000 or more. More often, the total bill will fall somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000.

Often, a clinics base fee for IVF will cover monitoring appointments, bloodwork, egg retrieval and follow-up care. If youre quoted below $12,000, it might mean that the base fee covers less than whats listed above. If youre quoted above $14,000, the base fee might cover more. Always ask for a clear list of what the base fee includes and what will be charged as additional fees.

At most clinics, the quoted price doesnt cover the price of the injectable hormones, which can cost from $3,000 to more than $6,000, usually paid directly to the pharmacy filling the prescription.

Additional clinic fees may include intracytoplasmic sperm injection , genetic testing of embryos, a trial transfer and/or cryostorage fees for embryos you wish to preserve.

If youre using a sperm donor, egg donor, gestational carrier or surrogate, that may cost anywhere from an additional few hundred dollars for a sperm donation to tens of thousands of dollars for a carrier or surrogate.

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