Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who Owns The New York Times And The Washington Post

If War Ignites In Ukraine Two Little Enclaves Could Be The Spark

NYT, Washington Post, NBC News retract reports about Giuliani FBI ‘warning’

With Ukraine surrounded by Russian forces, Western governments warn that Moscow may use the two Russian-backed republics of Luhansk and Donetsk as the stage for a false flag attack on ethnic Russian civilians and then cite it as justification when they storm across the border.

The fear is that the separatist territories could become the setting for a catastrophe, whether staged or accidental, that could lead to far wider violence. A stray shell, for example, might hit a residential building, or there could be a terrorist attack on fleeing refugees. Whatever the situation, Ukraine would be blamed, and Russia would have a pretext to invade.

The import of the two separatist regions became all the more important in Monday after President Vladimir V. Putin said he would recognize their independence. Mr. Putin signed decrees recognizing the regions, including friendship and mutual assistance treaties, raising the possibility that Russia could move some of the forces it has built up around Ukraines borders into those territories.


Russia, despite repeated accusations from the West, says that it has no intention of invading, and that it simply wants its legitimate geopolitical interests respected.

While attacking ones own side to blame an enemy may seem particularly sinister, it would not be the first time it has happened over the eight-year history of the two enclaves.

New York Times Agrees To Buy Sports News Start

The New York Times announced Thursday that the company has reached an agreement to purchase the Athletic, the subscription-based sports journalism start-up, in an all-cash deal valued at $550 million. The sides reportedly had been in talks for months about an acquisition.

Acquiring The Athletic puts us in a position to be a global leader in sports journalism and offer English speakers around the world another reason to turn to the Times Company to meet their daily news and life needs, Meredith Kopit Levien, president and chief executive officer of the New York Times Co., said in a statement. The Times already provides distinctive sports coverage for a general interest audience as part of our core report. As a stand-alone product, The Athletic will enable us to offer much more extensive coverage for fans who seek a deep connection to and understanding of their favorite teams, leagues and players. With one of the largest dedicated teams of reporters covering sports globally and a commitment to everyday reporting, The Athletic is a great complement to The Times.

The Athletics co-founders, Alex Mather and Adam Hansmann, will stay with the company, the statement said, with the Athletic becoming a subsidiary of the Times and continuing to operate separately. Mather and Hansmann will report to Times Co. executive David Perpich, who will become the Athletics publisher.

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An Illustrious Gig Managing Decline

Mr. Baron, 66, was already bound for journalism Cooperstown when he joined The Post at the beginning of 2013. As The Miami Heralds executive editor, he presided over coverage of the 2000 election recount and Elián Gonzálezs repatriation. Then, at The Boston Globe, he oversaw a landmark investigation into sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, later made into the Academy Award-winning film Spotlight. Liev Schreiber played Mr. Baron as scruffy, which he is in real life, and gruff, which he swears he is not.

To edit the newspaper of Woodward and Bernstein was too enticing to pass up . But he expected his job would involve some managed decline.

At the beginning of 2013, The Post was modestly profitable but no longer the money-minting machine it was in the 1980s and 90s, when it reached more households in its geographic area than any other daily. The Post Companys financial shape was worsening, however, as Kaplan, its test-preparation and for-profit college business, was squeezed by new federal rules.

There were multiple rounds of buyouts between 2008 and 2013 a generous pension plan hastened veterans exits. Newsroom head count fell to 580 from 900. To this day, Posties speak in gallows-humor tones of all the cake they ate at Friday afternoon office send-offs.

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China Daily Advertising Supplements

Dating back to 2011, The Washington Post began to include “China Watch” advertising supplements provided by China Daily, an English language newspaper owned by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, on the print and online editions. Although the header to the online “China Watch” section included the text “A Paid Supplement to The Washington Post,” James Fallows of The Atlantic suggested that the notice was not clear enough for most readers to see. Distributed to the Post and multiple newspapers around the world, the “China Watch” advertising supplements range from four to eight pages and appear at least monthly. According to a 2018 report by The Guardian, “China Watch” uses “a didactic, old-school approach to propaganda.”

In 2020, a report by Freedom House, “Beijing’s Global Megaphone,” was also critical of the Post and other newspapers for distributing “China Watch”. In the same year, thirty-five Republican members of the U.S. Congress wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice in February 2020 calling for an investigation of potential FARA violations by China Daily. The letter named an article that appeared in the Post, “Education Flaws Linked to Hong Kong Unrest,” as an example of “articles serve as cover for China’s atrocities, including…its support for the crackdown in Hong Kong.” According to The Guardian, the Post had already stopped running “China Watch” in 2019.

Accusations Of Liberal Bias

OTD in History June 13, 1971, the New York Times ...

In mid-2004, the newspaper’s then-public editor Daniel Okrent, wrote an opinion piece in which he said that The New York Times did have a liberal bias in news coverage of certain social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He stated that this bias reflected the paper’s cosmopolitanism, which arose naturally from its roots as a hometown paper of New York City, writing that the coverage of the Times‘s Arts & Leisure Culture and the Sunday Times Magazine trend to the left.

If you’re examining the paper’s coverage of these subjects from a perspective that is neither urban nor Northeastern nor culturally seen-it-all if you are among the groups The Times treats as strange objects to be examined on a laboratory slide if your value system wouldn’t wear well on a composite New York Times journalist, then a walk through this paper can make you feel you’re traveling in a strange and forbidding world.

Times public editor Arthur Brisbane wrote in 2012:

When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so. Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism for lack of a better term that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

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Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Social media networks and initially limited the spread of the Post story on their platforms, citing policies restricting the sharing of hacked material and personal information this decision proved controversial, with many critics, including Republican U.S. senator Ted Cruz of Texas and a Harvard Law School lecturer, deriding it as censorship. NPR reported that Twitter initially declined to comment how it reached this decision or what evidence it had supporting this.The New York Times initially reported that the story had been pitched to other outlets, including Fox News, which declined to publish it due to concerns over its reliability.The New York Times also reported that two writers at the Post, Bruce Golding and one other, declined to have their names attached to the story, and ultimately the story only listed two bylines: Gabrielle Fonrouge, who “had little to do with the reporting or writing of the article” and was unaware of the byline prior to the story’s publication, and Emma-Jo Morris, a former producer for Fox News’s Hannity who had no prior bylines with the Post. In response to the concerns about the veracity of the article, former Post editor-in-chief and current advisor Colin Allan responded in an email to the Times that the senior editors at The Post made the decision to publish the Biden files after several days hard work established its merit.”

Taylor Lorenz Leaving New York Times For Washington Post

Journalist Taylor Lorenz is leaving The New York Times to join The Washington Post as a columnist for its Features section.

Lorenz, who covers digital culture, internet trends and the creator economy for the Times, told Vanity Fair she was attracted to The Washington Post because of its ability and willingness to build “out this universe of my content and the different products I deliver to someone.”

The Post, Lorenz noted, was “the first brand I ever really saw on TikTok.

“I think that people do not understand my beat. They dont take it seriously, Lorenz said, adding one of the reasons she made the decision to leave the Times is due to the fact theres not room for the commentary aspect” of her job. She added that the new position at the Post will allow her to take her work and blow it up bigger.

I think that other legacy news organizations might share a different view where its always about service of the bigger brand and of course Im on board with that, she continued. Im not trying to be a YouTuber here. … I think theres a balance, and I just felt like I kind of hit a ceiling … Like, okay, this is great, but what can I do to really expand?

In a statement announcing her hire, Post leadership applauded Lorenz as having a “rare gift for being able to write about the Internet in a way that appeals to digital natives and late adopters alike.”

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Criticism By Elected Officials

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly railed against the Washington Post on , having “tweeted or retweeted criticism of the paper, tying it to Amazon more than 20 times since his campaign for president” by August 2018. In addition to often attacking the paper itself, Trump used Twitter to blast various Post journalists and columnists.

During the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders repeatedly criticized the Washington Post, saying that its coverage of his campaign was slanted against him and attributing this to Jeff Bezos‘ purchase of the newspaper. Sanders’ criticism was echoed by the socialist magazine Jacobin and the progressive journalist watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.Washington Post executive editor responded by saying that Sanders’ criticism was “baseless and conspiratorial”.

President Biden Agrees In Principle To Meet With Putin To Discuss Ukraine Crisis

Joe Concha predicts anonymous Giuliani source will burn media again

A day of last-minute diplomacy by President Emmanuel Macron of France on Sunday appeared to give some new hope for a peaceful resolution over Ukraine as White House officials said President Biden would be willing to consider direct talks with his Russian counterpart as long as Russia does not invade.

White House officials said that a possible summit between Mr. Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia would only be held after meetings between the foreign ministers of the two countries, which are tentatively scheduled for later this week.

One senior White House official said that there were no plans for either the format or timing of a meeting between the two leaders. Another official called it all completely notional, and said that all evidence suggested Russia still intended to invade Ukraine in the coming days. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

But the possibility of another diplomatic overture, which came after Mr. Macron spoke by telephone Sunday morning with Mr. Putin and later called Mr. Biden, was an indication that Mr. Biden and Americas European allies had not yet given up on convincing Mr. Putin that the costs of an invasion were too high.

In a statement from the White House, Jen Psaki, the press secretary, said that Mr. Biden had accepted the idea of talks with Mr. Putin in principle and said that the United States remained committed to pursuing diplomacy until the moment an invasion begins.

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Gender Discrimination In Employment

Discriminatory practices used by the paper long restricted women in appointments to editorial positions. The newspaper’s first general female reporter was , who described her experience afterward: “In the beginning I was charged not to reveal the fact that a female had been hired”. Other reporters nicknamed her Fluff and she was subjected to considerable hazing. Because of her gender, any promotion was out of the question, according to the then-managing editor. She remained on the staff for fifteen years, interrupted by World War I.

In 1935, Anne McCormick wrote to Arthur Hays Sulzberger: “I hope you won’t expect me to revert to ‘woman’s-point-of-view’ stuff.” Later, she interviewed major political leaders and appears to have had easier access than her colleagues. Even witnesses of her actions were unable to explain how she gained the interviews she did.Clifton Daniel said, ” I’m sure Adenauer called her up and invited her to lunch. She never had to grovel for an appointment.”

New York Times Praises ‘cancel Culture’ But Skips Over Own Racist History

He was her fathers brother and his name was John Mayer because he dropped the surname Levy, according to a family tree compiled by the Ochs-Sulzberger clan some 70 years ago.

Mayer was a store owner and prominent leader of the small Jewish community in Natchez and, during the war, organized a home guard unit, according to family letters and historians.

Neither the 1860 census nor its separate slave schedule lists the names of Mayers slaves. They are identified as two males, ages 70 and 26, and three females, ages 65, 45 and 23.

That makes it likely that Mayer had slaves when niece Bertha lived with him for several years before she married Julius Ochs in 1853. Mayer and his wife had 14 children and were affluent enough that it would have been unusual if they didnt own slaves, according to Robert Rosen, author of The Jewish Confederates.

Bertha, who came from Germany as a teenager, might have been horrified by the experience of witnessing and being served by human chattel. Instead, she fully embraced the barbaric practice and became devoted to the peculiar institution. She was a charter member of a Daughters of the Confederacy chapter and requested that a Confederate flag be draped across her coffin, which it was.

His name was Abraham Mendes Seixas, and he was born in New York City in 1750. He was an officer in the Continental Army during the war, then stayed in South Carolina, where accounts describe him as a slave merchant and/or auctioneer.

It reads in part:

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Shelling And Evacuations In Ukraines East Could Give Putin A Pretext To Invade

For weeks, as Russia sent more and more troops to Ukraines borders, the Biden administration has predicted that President Vladimir V. Putin would orchestrate some sort of pretext for an invasion, probably in Ukraines east, where a conflict with Moscow-backed rebels has been underway for years.

Now, developments there driven in large part by the separatists widely seen as Russias proxies could be giving him such an opportunity.

On Saturday, artillery fire escalated sharply in the east, and thousands of residents fled to Russia in chaotic evacuations, fueled by rebel leaders assertions, without evidence, that Ukraines military was planning a large-scale attack on the territory they control.

Western leaders have scoffed at the idea that Ukraine would launch such an operation while surrounded by Russian forces, and Ukrainian officials dismissed the claim as a cynical Russian lie. But the ginned-up panic was having real effects, with refugees frantically boarding buses and refugee tent camps popping up across the Russian border. Separatists urged women and children to leave and told men to register to fight.

In Moscow, Mr. Putin engaged in a dramatic display of military theater, presiding over tests of nuclear-capable missiles. Tensions between the United States and Russia have not been this high since the Cold War, and Russias nuclear drills appeared carefully timed to deter the West from direct military involvement in Ukraine.

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Washington Post Dissidents Seek to Replace Guild With Own ...

This narrative is deeply misguided, according to a long list of top historians. Yet the paper is not deterred, and has ramped up its demonization of any who disagree with that or its reckless support for the Marxist-inspired Black Lives Matter agenda.

Handcuff the cops, tear down the statues, rewrite the textbooks, make America the worlds bad guy thats what todays Times is selling.

Anyone with such an activist agenda had better be purer than Caesars wife. The Times clearly fails that test and owes its staff, stockholders and readers a full account of the slave holders and Confederates in its past.

My hope is that after taking a dose of their own medicine, the owner and editors will focus their efforts where they belong: on making the New York Times a great newspaper again.

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Who Owns The New York Times

The New York Times major individual shareholder is the Sulzberger family, owning it for several generations. Indeed, A. G. Sulzberger owns a 1.3% of Class A stocks and 92% of Class B stocks. And Arthur Sulzberger Jr. owns 1.8% of Class A stocks and 92.2% of Class B stocks. The New York Times now runs primarily via a subscription-based model, where digital subscriptions contributed over $426 million in revenues in 2019, which made up over 23% of its total revenues.

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