Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How To Become An Art Teacher In New York

How Do I Start Teaching Art

What you need to know to be an Art Teacher – Part 2

Top Eight Tips for Teaching Art to Children #1 Ban pencils and erasers. #2 Mix paint onto paper, and not in paint palettes. #3 Forgo art smocks and aprons. #4 The ten-minute quiet time. #5 Learn how to draw well and make mistakes. #6 Pick fun subjects. #7 Use 1/2 sheets to save time. #8 Outline, outline, outline.

New York State Teaching Certification Requirements

Getting a teaching license is the most important step in becoming a teacher in New York state. There are a number of paths individuals can follow to meet New York state teaching certification requirements. But generally speaking, prospective teachers must hold a bachelor’s degree, complete an approved teacher preparation program, receive a passing grade on required exams, and pass a background check. Depending on what subject and grade level you plan to teach, you may need to meet additional specific criteria. Check out the New York City Department of Education for more information about teaching certification requirements.

To receive a teaching certificate in New York, public teachers must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. The degree can be in any subject it does not have to be in teaching or education.

New York also requires that prospective teachers complete an approved teacher preparation program. The state maintains a database of approved programs within New York. Individuals who complete teacher prep programs in other states may be eligible to get their certificate without completing an additional program in New York, as long as it is found to be comparable to New York’s approved programs. Many bachelor’s and master’s programs in education include these types of programs as part of their curricula.

Apply For Your License

You must be certified to teach in a New York public school. The first certificate to apply for is the Initial Certificate, which is good for 5 years. In New York, you apply to become certified as a Visual Arts teacher in preK-grade 12 inclusive.

You can apply for certification online. If you are enrolled in a New York State teacher preparation program or alternative teacher preparation program, choose Pathway: Approved Teacher Preparation Program as your pathway. Your college Certification officer will submit your institutional recommendation online as well.

Note that you must must be cleared by the New York State Education Department through a fingerprint-supported criminal history background check as part of the application requirements.

Once you have applied online for a certificate, you must send the Education Department all supporting documentation, such as transcripts and score reports. Send these to:

New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives, Room 5N-EB 89 Washington Avenue

Note that you will not receive a paper copy of your Initial Certificate.

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Initial And Professional Certification

All teachers require an initial certificate to begin teaching. You can choose between several different types of certificates and pathways to certification based on your existing situation. The Initial Certificate is valid for five years and is considered the entry-level teaching certification. You can also apply for a Professional Certificate once you complete the mandated professional development hours for teaching. If you are a pupil personnel professional, you must complete the Provisional Certificate. This certificate is also valid for five years. And the Permanent Certificate is the advanced certificate for individuals in the pupil personnel career path. It is valid for life or until revoked.

Pass Nystce Teacher Certification Exams

Art Teacher

The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations program creates all the exams for New York state certification. Test results are then sent to the New York State Education Department.

To earn an Initial Certificate in New York, you must pass:

edTPA: This is a certification-specific teacher performance assessment that examines your level of preparedness as a teacher.

Educating All Students Test : This exam checks your level of proficiency in teaching diverse student populations, English language learners, and students with disabilities. It also assesses your skills in handling teacher responsibilities and school-home relationships.

Content Specialty Tests : The CST you take to earn your Initial Certificate will depend on the certification youre seeking. A typical CST includes multiple-choice questions and a written assignment.

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How To Become An Art Teacher

People who wish to become art teachers must first choose which path they are interested in taking. There are numerous programs available at the bachelors degree level that are designed to lead to initial teacher licensure with a major in art. One of the important factors to consider is whether the teacher preparation program is approved by your states department of education and whether it will satisfy requirements for state teacher certification or licensure. The typical path to becoming an art teacher is as follows:

  • Earn a bachelors degree in art education that includes a state-approved teacher preparation program.
  • Complete a student teaching internship at the grade level you wish to teach.
  • Pass your states required tests for art teachers.
  • Apply for your teaching certificate.
  • Begin applying to open art teacher positions.
  • For those who already have a bachelors degree in art but did not complete an approved teacher preparation program, there are also alternative paths to teacher certification in most states. Earning a masters degree that includes a teacher preparation component is another common path to initial teacher licensure.

    New York City Art Teachers Association

    NYCATA/UFT is the standing professional committee of the UFT representing art educators in New York City. Membership is free and open to all NYC art educators, art coordinators, art supervisors, art specialists, university and museum educators, school administrators, classroom teachers, retirees, college students and any other individuals whose purposes are consistent with those of the Association. Members are entitled to most privileges of NYCATA/UFT .

    NYCATA/UFT holds regular meetings and workshops at the UFT Manhattan office. Visit our website to see our current programs and calendar of events and to learn more about participating with our professional committee.

    Are you interested in serving on our board or one of our committees? Please reach us at . ALL ARE WELCOME!

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    Art Teacher Career Guide

    Art teachers help students learn about the history of art and provide opportunities for students to create their own art by exploring their own artistic creativity. An art teacher should have a strong enthusiasm for art and enjoy teaching young people. In this guide, you will find information about what art teachers do, how to become one, and the salary and job outlook for art teachers.

    Teaching Art In Postsecondary School

    What you need to know to be an Art Teacher – Part 1

    Postsecondary art teachers work with college students, from community colleges to four-year institutions. At the college level, you are most likely teaching students who are interested in art as an academic course of study. While some students might have excellent skills in art, they might not be interested in majoring or minoring in this area, while others are interested in pursuing art degrees.

    More advanced college coursework offers a more specific focus on subject matter, as well as smaller classes. At this level students are more likely to be declared art majors or minors. Most postsecondary art courses focus on a specific medium that progresses in complexity with each level. For example, an introductory course on graphic design might introduce the basic tools and principles of design, whereas an advanced course would focus on one specific area of the medium . College-level art teachers also might help students think about the business of art and how they can make a career out of their craft.

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    New York Teachers Licensing Application Process

    Once all of the requirements for New York teacher certification have been completed, applicants should submit their application to the Office of Teaching Initiatives using the online TEACH portal. The office receives most applications in June, July, and August, so its recommended to send in all information three to four months in advance of your estimated date of employment. The required steps to obtain a New York educator certificate are as follows:

    • Verification of background clearance by the state.
    • Official transcripts showing proof of bachelors degree.
    • Proof of completing a teacher preparation program at an approved school.
    • Passing scores on the required examinations.
    • Completed application for teaching certification in New York.
    • Payment of non-refundable processing fees.

    Visit the New York Department of Education website for further details on New York teacher certification.

    Complete A Bachelor Degree And Teacher Prep Program

    The first step to becoming an art teacher in New York is to earn a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited college or university and complete an approved teacher training program that includes student teaching. A list of approved teacher prep programs in the state may be found here. After completing an approved program, your school will recommend you for certification via an online system. To check if your school is regionally accredited, visit the Council for Higher Education Accreditation .

    Note that you are required to complete six clock hours of coursework or training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention in accordance with recently passed state law. Assuming youve graduated from an approved teacher prep program after February 2014, this coursework will have been completed as part of your degree requirements. If you completed your degree earlier, you will need to complete an appropriate workshop and earn a Certification of Completion. When you apply for the certificate, you will send this document to the NYS Education Department, Office of Teaching, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12234. . A list of providers is available on the DASA providers Web page.

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    Certification Reciprocity In New York

    Interstate teacher certification reciprocity is a program that allows teachers who are certified in one state to teach in another state without having to go through all the steps required to earn a teacher certification in that state. Find out more about the New York Completion of a College Teacher Education Program in Another U.S. State pathway. If you have more specific questions about your teaching situation, please contact the New York State Education Department.

    To find out what other state teaching licenses can be used in New York, check out our Teacher Certification Reciprocity page on Teach.com.

    New York Teacher Testing Requirements

    For Children With Autism, No More Being Hushed

    There are several exams that are required for obtaining a teaching license in New York. The first is the Educating All Students test, which measures direct teaching skills and knowledge. All prospective teachers must also pass the edTPA, which measures teaching performance and instructional practice. Those teaching core subjects must also pass the appropriate Content Specialty Test .

    Additional tests, such as the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test , the Bilingual Education Assessments , or the Communication and Quantitative Skills Test may be required depending on the candidates educational background and content area and grade level to be taught. You can find more specific information through the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations website.

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    Art Teacher Requirements And Common Tasks

    A bachelors degree in education with coursework in art, art education , or art history with a state-approved teacher preparation program is the basic requirement for becoming an art teacher at a public school. Prospective art teachers at the primary level typically pursue a bachelors in education while secondary art teachers typically obtain a bachelors in art or art history. Additionally, each state requires K-12 teachers to obtain a license or certification from the state by fulfilling the requirements overseen by the board of education. Licenses are usually not required for art teachers working in private institutions, but some private schools may prefer teachers with a state license or certification. For prospective teachers who did not complete a bachelors in art education, most states now offer alternative paths to obtaining state teaching certification, including pursuing a masters degree in art education or a related subject. Professional artists without a formal degree may qualify for art teacher positions based on experience, but may still need to obtain a state license.

    Is An Art Education Degree Worth It

    Despite the stigma surrounding art majors, an art degree can be an excellent opportunity to develop and hone the studio skills necessary to forge a career as a professional artist. Both the environment and length of the program allow students to learn relevant tools and surround themselves with like-minded individuals.

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    What Art Jobs Pay The Most

    9 Highest Paying Art Careers #1 Art Director. Median Salary: $94,220. #2 Producer & Director. Median Salary: $74,420. #3 Landscape Architect. Median Salary: $69,360. #4 Video Editor. Median Salary: $63,780. #5 Graphic Designer. Median Salary: $52,110. #6 Drafter. Median Salary: $56,830. #7 Art Curator. #8 Interior Designer.

    How To Become A Teacher In New York

    Five Tips for Teaching with Works of Art | MoMA VIDEOS FOR TEACHERS

    To become a New York teacher, a candidate must meet the requirements stipulated by the Office of Teaching Initiatives. Like most states, New York requires that all state teachers hold a bachelors degree, complete a New York teacher certification program, and pass the required content examinations. Upon meeting the requirements for certification, an applicant may be issued an initial certificate, which is valid for five years. This entry-level certificate leads to the professional certificate, which is an advanced level license that is continuously valid, assuming the teacher completes the appropriate number of professional development hours every five years.

    The most direct, traditional route to New York teaching certification is to complete an approved teacher preparation program at a New York college or university and be recommended for certification by the certification officer at that university, which is known as an institutional recommendation. For more detailed information on the New York teacher certification renewal process, contact the OTI or continue reading.

    Quick Guide

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    Teaching Art In Secondary School

    While art coursework for younger students tends to be general, secondary art courses become more specialized and increase in complexity as students progress. The middle-school age to early high school art courses might still be general, but each course could offer specific units on mediums such as drawing, sculpture, graphic design, or photography. Then, in the upper-level courses for high school juniors and seniors, you might teach full courses on one medium. Because art courses are often elective, students at the secondary level can choose whether or not to register. If theyve already developed their skills and interest in elementary school, they will be more likely to take art coursework in middle and high school.

    Where Might You Work

    You are most likely to work in a public school. After all, most preparation programs groom their students to attain state licensure and join a school district faculty. Public schools offer competitive pay as well as adequate resources. You are also guaranteed steady raises that coincide with your experience and if you attain additional degrees your salary will reflect that.

    If you attain a master’s degree you might also teach for a college or university. You might not qualify for tenure, as an MFA doesn’t carry quite the weight it once did. Nonetheless, an MFA on top of recognition in the art world might help you with long-term employment.

    Art teachers can also give private lessons or teach private classes at local community centers, art galleries, or even retirement centers. If your town has a robust population of home-school students, their parents might like to sign their children up for supplemental courses in the arts.

    There are also opportunities in private schools, including Charter Schools. Some Charter Schools are focused on arts so you might have an opportunity to delve deeper into your strongest areas of expertise. Private schools are also more selective, so you are likely to have students who are more engaged than you’ll find in typical public schools.

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    Document And Application Requirements

    • Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended, showing completion of a teacher preparation program and receipt of a degree
    • Copies of any out-of-state teaching certificates you may have
    • Institutional recommendation

    For more information on teacher certification in New York, contact the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives at 518-474-3901.

    * 2019 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data – Conditions in your area may vary.

    **Teacher Retention Sources – U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education, Statistics Schools and Staffing Survey, 19992000 , and 200001 Teacher Follow-up Survey . Washington, DC.

    State estimations based on analysis by Richard Ingersoll, Professor of Education and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, from the National Center for Education Statistics Student and Staffing Survey, and therefore include a slight margin of error.

    Alternative Teacher Certification In New York

    PS 261, Brooklyn, students participate in Art of Giving ...

    You might be a candidate for alternative teacher certification if you have a bachelors degree in a major unrelated to teaching.

    The popularity of alternative teacher certification programs has increased as schools look for ways to solve the growing teacher shortage. These programs let you begin teaching while you fulfill certification requirements.

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    Apply For An Initial New York Teaching Certificate

    Upon receiving a recommendation from the college or university for certification and passing all required exams, you may register to take the certification test in New York for physical education.

    To do so, you must log into the TEACH Online Services site and choose Pathway: Approved Teacher Preparation Program as your pathway. You can also use TEACH to check the status of your application and pay the $50 application fee.

    After you have completed your application and entered the application fee payment, you will see an Application Confirmation screen. This will indicate that the Department has received your application. This screen will also provide you with any additional information that needs to be completed before you can receive your certificate. Once you have created an account through TEACH, you can log onto the system at any time to check the status of your application.

    Any required documentation must be sent to:

    New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives

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