Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Much Are Abortions In New York

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Pro-Life Analysis of New Yorks Extreme Abortion Legislation

Over 20 states have quietly passed a slew of restrictive laws that are eroding abortion access. Some laws impose prohibitively high operation standards on abortion providers, causing them to shut down. Other laws set mandatory waiting periods and procedures required before women can get abortions.

Heres an overview of all the state limitations, from the Guttmacher Institute.

Texas passed a law that reduced the number of statewide facilities from 40 to 28. Experts predict that the number will fall further. Check out this interactive chart for The Texas Tribunes survey or providers.

Who cares about abortion costs? Heres a quick blog post about searches for this topic from .edu domains. Yes, a lot of people are interested in this topic.

What Can I Do To Reduce Taxpayer Funding Of Abortions

  • Fight to Preserve the Hyde Amendment. Because the Hyde Amendment needs to be reapproved every year as an addition to the budget, it is constantly under threat. Ensuring that it remains in place prevents a huge volume of federal tax money from being spent on abortions.
  • Help Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the single largest abortion provider in the United States, receiving hundreds of thousands in government funding. Planned Parenthood is involved in numerous scandals and blatantly misuses the tax money it receives.
  • Join State and Local Pro-Life Organizations. If you live in a state where Medicaid funds abortions, involving yourself with state-level campaigns can have significant impacts. Many of these pro-life organizations need more members and volunteers for a wide variety of things, and every little bit helps.
  • Contact State and Federal Congressmen. Calling, emailing, or speaking in person with your Congress members can have a significant impact on their decisions. Politicians are not always interested in doing the right thing, but they are interested in the support of their constituents. Moreover, with so much attention on the United States federal government, state-level laws are often much easier to influence if you keep a strong presence.
  • How Pregnant Am I

    Use the pregnancy calculator to find out the number of weeks pregnant from your Last Menstrual Period.

    When Was The First Day Of Your Last Menstrual Period?
    Estimated Length Of Pregnancy :

    Disclaimer: The information provided by this pregnancy calculator is not a diagnosis and is not intended to replace clinical care in any manner. Please make a confirmation of pregnancy appointment online at or by calling 718-786-5000 to receive a complete pregnancy evaluation with a licensed healthcare provider at Choices.

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    Are You Covered By Insurance Or Medicaid Can You Get Other Funding

    The Guttmacher Institutes 2009 study found that 46 percent of women paid for their abortions out of pocket, assuming their health insurance wouldnt cover it.

    Actually, abortion is traditionally covered under private health insurance. According to the National Abortion Federation, almost two-thirds of insurance plans cover elective abortions to some degree. The Affordable Care Act, however, explicitly allows states to prohibit private insurance plans from covering abortion.

    Many states have passed laws banning abortion coverage in plans purchased through state exchanges. Two of these states prohibit abortion coverage in the exception cases: when pregnancy is life-endangering and when women become pregnant from rape or incest.

    The Takeaway: Questions To Ask

    Abortion Is Normal, and Its Time to Treat It That Way

    As we always say, know before you go. Questions to ask:

    • Do I have access to a good decision-making guide? Heres one source of information, and heres one on later-term abortions.
    • How far along am I? If Im past the first trimester, can I get an abortion at a facility near me? If not, where do I have to travel?
    • Do I have insurance? Does my insurance plan cover abortion services? If so, under what circumstances?
    • If I have Medicaid, does my states Medicaid program cover my abortion?
    • If I have no coverage, can I afford to pay for the abortion procedure I need?
    • If I cant pay, how can I get help?
    • Are there sliding-scale fee clinics near me? Can I show proof of income to get an affordable price?
    • Can I find a funding organization to help cover my abortion and, if need be, my travel expenses? See resources below.

    If you cant answer these questions, reach out for help. The National Abortion Federation operates toll-free hotlines. For abortion provider referrals, call the NAF referral line 1-877-257-0012.

    For general information and questions about financial assistance, call the NAF hotline fund at 1-800-772-9100.

    This podcast page also has a list of resources, including a collection of places that have information about funding for abortions:

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    What Are The Health Impacts Of Medicaid Funding Of Abortion

    Many people are often confused by the fact that abortions can be covered by Medicaid at all as elective procedures. In many states, however, they are described as medically necessary. Such a term leads people to believe that the hundreds of thousands of abortions being conducted are needed to preserve the mothers lives. Because of this, they naturally believe that in the absence of such funding, womens health and well-being suffer as a result.

    This, however, could not be further from the truth. The term medically necessary does not mean that these procedures had to be performed to protect the health of the mother . Medically necessary is merely a classification of procedures covered by Medicaid. Moreover, the evidence shows that Medicaid funding of abortion does not help women tragically, it harms them.

    Research in the American Journal of Public Health has shown that when Medicaid funding for abortions is cut, the number and proportion of hospitalizations decreases significantly. This is because not only does cutting funding reduce abortions, but it results in far fewer late-term abortions that carry the largest risks.

    Need Help Paying For An Abortion

    Need Help Paying for an Abortion?

    If you are living in or traveling to New York State and are seeking funding for your abortion, please call NYAAF at 212-252-4757 and leave a detailed message. You can also email us at .

    Leaving a Message:

    When you leave us a message, please tell us:

  • Your name
  • The best time for us to call you back
  • Whether it is safe to say that NYAAF is calling when we leave a message.
  • If you do not indicate that it is safe to identify ourselves, we will leave the following message: Hi, Im returning the message you left on our voicemail, please call me back at 212-252-4757 and tell me when its a good time to try you again. If you get this message, please call the helpline again and tell us when to call you back. We will return all messages within 24 hours.

    Finding a Clinic:

    If you need to make an appointment for your abortion, please visit where you can locate health care providers who offer abortion services in New York State.

    If you do not have insurance:

    You can also enroll in-person at a designated community location. To find the in-person assistors near you, visit . NYAAF can also help you find a clinic that will enroll you in Medicaid and perform your abortion, sometimes in the same visit.

    Not Living in or Traveling to New York?

    Please Note:

    Other Resources:

    Thank you:

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    Does Your Private Insurance Cover Contraceptives

    Under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, preventive healthcare including contraception must be covered by all insurance plans with no copay. If you are not getting these services without a co-pay, visit National Womens Law Centers CoverHer campaign to learn how to reach out to your insurance company and to find out what you can do if you dont get the answers you need.

    The First Of Its Kind

    Lawmakers pass bill to protect abortion rights in New York

    Up until 1970, New York followed a law enacted in 1828 that permitted abortion only when it was required to save a womans life.

    It was high drama in New Yorks capital as the new legislation, allowing abortions within 24 weeks of pregnancy, proceeded through the state house. On the floor of the Senate chamber, a Republican senator read from a document that he called the Diary of an Unborn Child. Another legislator accused his colleagues of metaphorically reaching their hands into a would-be mothers womb.

    The bill only passed the State Assembly in April 1970 because a Democratic assemblyman from a heavily Catholic district who had initially voted no stopped the roll call to reverse his vote, with tears welling in his eyes and his voice trembling.

    I realize, Mr. Speaker, that I am terminating my political career, the assemblyman, George M. Michaels, said. But I cannot in good conscience sit here and allow my vote to be the one that defeats this bill. Mr. Michaels lost his seat in the next election.

    Franz S. Leichter, then a Democratic assemblyman, wrote the bill with a Republican colleague, Constance E. Cook. Mr. Leichter, 88, remembers several hours of highly emotional debate in the legislature.

    He said opponents of the bill warned it would initiate a flood of out-of-state women into New York.

    People were saying, are we going to become the abortion clinic for the whole nation? Mr. Leichter said in an interview. Are people going to flock here?

    They did.

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    More Questions About Abortion Laws Speak With A New York Attorney

    If you would like to know more about the laws governing abortion in New York, there are many attorneys in your area who may be able to help. A private family law attorney will be able to discuss the penalties for violating New York’s abortion laws and required procedures. Speak with a New York lawyer today to learn more.

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    Public Funding For Abortion

    What is the Hyde Amendment?

    Passed by Congress in 1976, the Hyde Amendment excludes abortion from the comprehensive health care services provided to low-income people by the federal government through Medicaid. Congress has made some exceptions to the funding ban, which have varied over the years. At present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman’s life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury.

    Most states have followed the federal government’s lead in restricting public funding for abortion. Currently only seventeen states fund abortions for low-income women on the same or similar terms as other pregnancy-related and general health services. Four of these states provide funding voluntarily in thirteen, courts interpreting their state constitutions have declared broad and independent protection for reproductive choice and have ordered nondiscriminatory public funding of abortion .2 Thirty-two of the remaining states pay for abortions for low-income women in cases of life-endangering circumstances, rape, or incest, as mandated by federal Medicaid law.3 Finally, one state fails even to comply with the Hyde Amendment, instead providing coverage only for lifesaving abortions.

    Who else is affected by the funding bans?

    Why is it important that Congress repeal the Hyde Amendment and other bans on abortion funding?


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    The Abortion Pill In Nyc

    If you realize you are pregnant early, medical abortion may be an alternative to surgical abortion. These tablets together are commonly known as the abortion pill. We offer them in our abortion clinic in downtown New York City. In a surgical abortion, the pregnancy is removed through use of suction curettage, in medical abortion, the abortion pill is used to terminate and expel the pregnancy. The two drugs used for early medical abortion are Mifeprex and Cytotec . The abortion by pill has been monitored in clinical trials in the United States and France, which have proven that medical abortion has a success rate of 95% or greater for individuals ten weeks pregnant or less. Since then, Mifeprex, also known as RU486, has been successfully used by over half a million patients to terminate early pregnancy. Book your appointment online for both in person and telehealth abortion appointments.

    Do I Pay For Abortions

    Why the Left Is Losing on Abortion

    Yes, at least some. If you live in the United States, regardless of what state you live in, at least some of your tax dollars go to abortions. All Americans directly pay for at least some abortions through federal tax dollars. All Americans also help indirectly fund abortion through tax funding of abortion providers.

    If you live in one of the states that cover abortions beyond the provisions of the Hyde Amendment, a much more significant portion of your tax dollars goes directly toward abortions. You also fund more abortions outside of cases such as rape or threat to the mothers life than if you live in one of the other states.

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    For More Information About The Programs Listed Above:

    • Check the New York State Department of Health website.
    • If you live within the five boroughs of New York City, call 1.877.472.8411 or 311.
    • If you live outside New York City, you can call your local Department of Social Services. They are listed by county online.
    • Contact the New York State of Health Call Center at 1.855.355.5777.
    • For general questions, call the Medicaid helpline at 1.800.541.2831.

    Cost Of Abortion With And Without Insurance

    Even if a woman has health insurance the cost of an abortion might not be covered. Eight states prohibit private insurance plans from including abortion as a standard benefit. Twenty-three states restrict abortion coverage offered in insurance plans participating in the Affordable Care Act health insurance exchanges. Nearly two out of three women who obtain an abortion pay out-of-pocket for the procedure. If the procedure is covered under insurance, then typical copays for outpatient surgery apply, ranging from $15-$150 depending on the plan.

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    Book An Appointment Online

    Compassionate Care.

    People make deeply personal decisions about pregnancy, and we respect everyone we care forno judgments. We also offer a variety of payment options including financial assistance to those who may need it.

    Quality Care.

    Planned Parenthood offers the full range of abortion options in a safe, comfortable, nonjudgmental environment.

    Abortion is Legal.

    You can feel confident that Planned Parenthood knows and follows all rules and regulations about abortion, keeping you safely within your rights.

    What Is The Average Cost Of An Abortion

    New York Now Requires Employers Cover Abortions in Employee Health Insurance Plans

    The average cost of an abortion depends on many factors including timing during pregnancy, termination method, and location. Most abortions more than 80% happen in the first trimester. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average cost at 10 weeks is $500 and increases to an average of $1,195 at 20 weeks.

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    If You Have Low Or No Coverage

    Low-cost clinics, including some branches of Planned Parenthood, charge patients on an income-based sliding-scale fee.

    There are also funding organizations that subsidize or cover the cost of abortions for women who cant afford to pay. The New York Abortion Access Fund provides assistance and lodging to anyone who lives in or is traveling to New York State. The Lilith Fund works with these Texas clinics to fund abortions. Heres a map of funding organizations across the country, compiled by Fund Abortion Now.

    Additionally, some organizations will help you with auxiliary services. For example, a New York City nonprofit volunteer organization called the Haven Coalition will support women traveling to New York City for abortions.

    National Background And Context

    Each year, a broad cross section of people in the United States obtain abortions. In 2017, 862,320 abortions were provided in clinical settings in the United States.

    The U.S. Supreme Court recognized the constitutional right to abortion in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and has reaffirmed that right in subsequent decisions.

    However, since 2010, the U.S. abortion landscape has grown increasingly restrictive as more states adopt laws hostile to abortion rights. Between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2019, states enacted 483 new abortion restrictions, and these account for nearly 40% of all abortion restrictions enacted by states in the decades since Roe v. Wade. Some of the most common state-level abortion restrictions are parental notification or consent requirements for minors, limitations on public funding, mandated counseling designed to dissuade individuals from obtaining an abortion, mandated waiting periods before an abortion, and unnecessary and overly burdensome regulations on abortion facilities.

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    Do You Offer Payment Plans Or Discounts

    We do not offer payment plans. The cost is a one time payment.

    People with unusual financial hardship may qualify for a discounted fee.

    In most cases the fee is all-inclusive, covering all services including a post-procedure appointment. A few extra services or medications require a separate additional fee.

    Abortion Rates By State 2022

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    Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. Abortions can be performed surgically or by medication. Abortion is a controversial subject, with many people believing that it is a woman’s right to choose. At the same time, others have religious, political, and personals reasons to believe that abortions are wrong or a sin. Currently, abortion is illegal in 26 countries, but not in the United States.

    The Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade states that governments cannot regulate a woman’s decision to have an abortion before the fetus’s viability. After viability, no government can impose a regulation that favors a fetus’s life over the mother’s. Even with this decision, abortion has caused nationwide controversy and has divided people into pro-life or pro-choice camps.

    Abortion laws vary by state. Recently, some states have been proposing legislation to further restrict abortions earlier than fetus viability. States have introduced the “heartbeat” bill, which prohibits abortions have six weeks of pregnancy or when a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

    According to 2014 data from the Guttmacher Institute, there were a total of 926,240 abortions in the United States.

    The abortion rate is calculated as the number of abortions per 1,000 women ages 15-44 years old. The ten states with the highest abortion rates were:

  • Delaware
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