Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Read New York Times Articles

Senators Slam Sexist New York Times Coverage Of Kyrsten Sinema

Read The New York Times articles without an account

The New York Times is much too concerned with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s appearance, according to three female senators, who call the Gray Lady’s recent coverage of the senator “demeaning, sexist, and inappropriate.”

Sens. Susan Collins , Jeanne Shaheen , and Lisa Murkowski wrote a letter to the editor on Friday that criticized the paper of record for in the past two months “publish four separate pieces analyzing the style and dress of our colleague senator Kyrsten Sinema.”

“Your repeated focus on how she dresses, rather than what she says and does, is demeaning, sexist, and inappropriate,” the senators wrote. “We cannot imagine the Times printing similar pieces on the fashion choices of any of our male colleagues.”

The paper’s allegedly misogynistic reporting on Sinema comes as the senator weighs voting with Democrats to pass their roughly $2 trillion spending bill. The Arizona senator has been the subject of much reporting during the past year, due to her position of power as a swing vote in the evenly divided Senate. Liberal ire with Sinema reached an inflection point in October, when radical activists accosted her in a bathroom over her voting record.

Sinema has rejected the notion that her fashion choices are coded. “I wear what I want because I like it. It’s not a news story, and it’s no ones business,” she said this week.

New York Times Articles You Should Read Before You Turn 18

This piece was written by four members of our spring Student Council. Look for more work by council members all month long.

Eighteen the age when you officially become an adult.

Its an age when you can finally vote, legally purchase real estate, and get a tattoo without parental consent and an age where, like astronauts readying themselves for launch, you might need some advice for the road ahead.

We chose these 18 articles from The Times by first individually sifting through the paper and its archives and picking pieces that resonated. Then we shared our finds in a Google doc and noticed that we had all chosen things that could be categorized in one of three ways: Education, Happiness or Social Awareness.

We hope our picks can inform, enlighten and entertain any up-and-coming adult. And were curious: What else would you put on our list?


1.How to Survive the College Admissions Madness

Applying to college is tough. Getting rejected from college is even tougher. But becoming an adult is all about dealing with all sorts of challenges, and for most teenagers, college admissions may be their first brush with true rejection.

Reading stories of students who didnt get into their top school choices will remind you that you are not defined by the name of your university, but instead by the opportunities you make for yourself.

2.My Friend, the Former Muslim Extremist

4.Todays Exhausted Superkids


Not As Intuitive As It Once Was

The NYT is full of great and varied content, so this review is not about the content, just the app. Theyve made a few updates to the UI in the past few months, each making the app less intuitive. I used to view my history or saved articles a lot when I didnt have time to finish reading a good story. This used to be easily accessible in a side menu. Now its way more hidden, and I have to click a bunch of times to get to it. I can never remember where it is. Also, the back button is now on the bottom of the screen for most articles, except when you view certain articles like through wire cutter. Everytime I want to click back at the top of the screen , its not there. Sometimes there is a back button at the top of the screen when you click on a link through the article. I clicked on this to bring me back to the article, but instead it took me to the front page. And then I couldnt find the article that I was just reading. Frustrating!These are just examples and sound like small, nit-picky things, but when you are constantly trying to figure out where to click, it adds time and makes the app annoying to use. I wish the UI developers prioritized common sense changes rather than just making the app prettier.

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Setting Up A Dark Rollout

The graphic above shows the call to the legacy service and the additional silent call we added to the web client that went to the new service. The call was non-blocking and had no impact on the actual user experience. The responses received from each service were tracked and compared, and we used this opportunity to load-test the new service to see how well it performed during real news-related traffic spikes.

The benefit of this approach was that the legacy service was still functioning throughout, which meant we had the freedom to modify the new service without worrying about impacting users. We could even take it down if we needed to make configuration changes to the infrastructure, such as auto-scaling policies or instance sizes. We let this run for a couple weeks until we ironed out the last bugs and felt confident that we could proceed with a phased rollout.

Accusations Of Liberal Bias

Only Morons, Corporate Crooks and War Criminals Read the ...

In mid-2004, the newspaper’s then-public editor Daniel Okrent, wrote an opinion piece in which he said that The New York Times did have a liberal bias in news coverage of certain social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He stated that this bias reflected the paper’s cosmopolitanism, which arose naturally from its roots as a hometown paper of New York City, writing that the coverage of the Times‘s Arts & Leisure Culture and the Sunday Times Magazine trend to the left.

If you’re examining the paper’s coverage of these subjects from a perspective that is neither urban nor Northeastern nor culturally seen-it-all if you are among the groups The Times treats as strange objects to be examined on a laboratory slide if your value system wouldn’t wear well on a composite New York Times journalist, then a walk through this paper can make you feel you’re traveling in a strange and forbidding world.

Times public editor Arthur Brisbane wrote in 2012:

When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so. Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism for lack of a better term that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

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Use Google To Read 5 Articles For Free Daily

This method still limits you somewhat, but youll get a lot more free content than you would if you simply went directly to the New York Times website.

If youve stumbled on any other ways to bypass the New York Times limits on free access, please share in the comments.

Technology has taken a vantage leap in providing solutions for man. Before now, technology used to appear complex and would require a great deal of expertise to handle solutions available. Today, we have technology applicable in the simplest human activities as smart products with intelligent algorithms powering them as they make error-free judgments and provide intelligent and analytic solutions.

And Remember: Life Throws Curveballs

With inflation, appearances can be deceiving, because short-term, single-digit increases dont seem that steep. Even though consumer prices dipped during the pandemics first wave, they escalated as businesses began to reopen this year, widespread supply chain issues emerged and many people headed back to work.

Excluding volatile food and energy costs, the Consumer Price Index rose 4.6 percent in October from a year earlier, the highest increase since 1990. That compares with an average of roughly 3 percent between 1913 and 2020, with notable surges in the 1970s and the 1980s .

No matter how you view inflation, you will need to buffer the cost of living and unforeseen preretirement financial shocks such as job loss, divorce and out-of-pocket medical expenses, which certainly make retirement planning even more challenging. A study by the National Endowment for Financial Education showed that 96 percent of Americans experienced four or more such income shocks by the time they reached age 70.

How do you avoid the triple threat of inflation, income shocks and outliving your nest egg? Working with a fiduciary fee-only certified financial planner who can diversify your retirement portfolio with low-cost index funds is a start, Ms. Johnson said. Such a planner will charge you a flat fee or hourly rate based on how much work you need. Dont work with financial advisers, brokers or agents who charge commissions.

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User The Ny Times Paywall User Script

If the bookmarklet process described above sounds too complicated or time-consuming , or youd rather just automate the process of getting to the free version of a NY Times article every time you hit a stop page asking you to subscribe, a user script is just what the doctor ordered. Install the NY Times Paywall user script from Firefox users will first need to install Greasemonkey, and then click Install on the script pages. Chrome users just need to click Install, while Safari users can set up Greasekit to manage user scripts. For Internet Explorer the Trixie add-on should help you manage user scripts.

Does Technology Have All The Answers

How To Read New York Times Articles Without Subscription | Free |

This article from Credit Suisse, tells us that technology does not have all the answers because it has been found to exhibit similar biases, as humans. No one can discredit the impact of technology, but it is not totally free of human input and this is the reason we experience these biases in many areas we have technology holding foot.

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Beneath Its Carefully Cultivated Veneer Of Objectivity And Integrity The So

The New York TimesThe New York TimesTimesNew York TimesMayim BialikJeopardy!TimesThe New York TimesAlgemeinerNew York TimesTimesThe New York Timespolitical cartoon in its international editionTimesTimesTimesThe New York TimesTimesThe New York TimesThe writer served as deputy communications director under prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his first term in office.

How To Read Hundreds Of New York Times Articles For Free With Nyt Now App

The New York Times online business model is well publicized and generally considered to be a success. User’s get free access to 10 articles per month, but to read more you need to pay a subscription fee – until now.

The updated NYT Now iOS app is now free to nonsubscribers and allows users to read unlimited New York Times articles each month. The caveat is that only 10 or so NYT articles will be available at any one time, but that’s still hundreds per month.

The redesigned free NYT Now app is available for download as of Monday, May 11. NYT Now was originally launched in April 2014 and promised to offer a subset of Times’ content to a mobile-first audience. The app aimed to bring in new readers who may never have bought a printed paper. It offered a curated selection of stories from the Times’ output each day and links to interesting reads elsewhere online.

But the $7.99 per month fee proved a stumbling block. The paper admitted in October that the youth-focused app wasn’t selling as expected and it recently received a slew of one-star reviews on iTunes.

The biggest change in terms of content is that the free app will only feature roughly 10 articles from the New York Times at any one time, down from a maximum of 25 on the paid version. That still gives users access to hundreds of stories per month, a lot more than the 10 free you’ll get through the main website before the paywall kicks in for non-subscribers.

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Youre Too Aggressive With Following Up

Its O.K. to follow up on unanswered pitches, but wait a week, not 24 hours, said Kristin Iversen, executive editor of Nylon. When a freelancers pitches are turned down, they should not follow up with more pitches a day or two later please dont pitch me more than once a month, unless its something very timely.

The New York Times Debuts Native Audio Player

Borislav PekiÄ: New York Times Book Review

Today, The New York Times debuted a native audio player designed to provide users a seamless audio experience to enjoy The Daily, Still Processing and other Times podcasts.

Available across platforms, users can now listen to their favorite shows directly from their apps and browsers, without using a separate podcast app. In addition to improving the player on mobile and desktop web, this is the first time users will be able to experience audio content from directly within Times Android and iPhone apps.

Were thrilled to launch a player to help power the incredible audio journalism our newsroom has been producing this year. Having a native player opens the door to new opportunities to improve the audio listening experience for our audience, said Jordan Vita, Associate Product Manager, Multimedia.The in-app player will allow audio to continue playing even if you navigate away from it, leave the app or put your device to sleep, allowing you to read through related articles and other content while you listen. Audio can be controlled within the app, with the device level controls, or even with an Apple Watch.

Finished listening? Just swipe away the player to dismiss.

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New York Times Article Archive


The complete archive of The New York Times can now be searched from more than 13 million articles total.

Searching the Archives

Accessing and Purchasing Articles

Digital Subscribers:

19231980: Your digital subscription includes 100 archive articles every four weeks in this date range . After youve reached the 100-article limit for the month, articles from 1923 through 1980 are $3.95 each.Pre-1923 and post-1980: Articles published before January 1, 1923 or after December 31, 1980 are free with your digital subscription and are not limited in any way.


19231980: Articles in this date range are available for purchase at $3.95 each. Pre-1923 and post-1980: Articles published before January 1, 1923 or after December 31, 1980 are free, but they count toward your monthly limit.

Users of Passes:

19231980: Pass users have unlimited access to the New York Times archived articles outside the 19231980 date range. Each day of their pass, users may access up to five free articles published between the years 1923 through 1980. Pre-1923 and post-1980: Articles published before January 1, 1923 or after December 31, 1980 are free with your Pass and are not limited in any way

Members of a Group Subscription:


More Information

Who Is The New York Times’ Target Audience

The New York Times is targeted at an urban audience and while a local paper, has readers throughout the country and around the world. In 2016 The New York Times had 9.32 million daily readers.

In a report released by Pew Research, 32 percent of those who regularly read the New York Times are less than the age of 30. Approximately 56 percent are college graduates and 38 percent are high-income earners.

People read the New York Times for more than just the news. The newspaper is a world leader for opinion and inspiring pieces. The New York Times brings stories to more than 228,000 people living across the Atlantic Ocean and to more than 194,000 people living in Asia.

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Or You Could Just Like Pay For Access

You may have heard the devastating news that The New York Times has finally plugged the famous paywall loophole that allowed users to access more than their monthly allotment of articles. Once you used up your 10 free articles for the month, you could just delete the ?gwh=numbers part of the URL to easily and freely access the story.

Sadly, the Times confirmed that theyve officially put the kibosh on this notorious workaround. We have made some adjustments and will continue to make adjustments to optimize the gateway by implementing technical security solutions to prohibit abuse and protect the value of our content, Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy told New York magazine.

Lucky for you, there are still several workarounds you can employ in order to access premium content without paying for a subscription, but dont say we forced you to take the cheap way out.

1. Google the headline

This also works for the Wall Street Journal paywall. Google the headline, and click through from the Google search results page, and you should be able to read the story.

2. Use an incognito window in Chrome

Incognito windows let you browse the Web privately. Since cookies are deleted each time you close the window, you should be able to access stories to your hearts content.

3. Search for the link on Twitter

Copy and paste the link into a Twitter search, and click through to the story from Twitter. Stories accessed via social media dont count toward your article limit.

You Dont Disclose Conflicts Of Interest

How to read the New York Times (for free)

Most publications have codes of ethics and/or guidelines around conflict-of-interest disclosures. They can vary widely, so always always! err on the side of over-disclosure. The worst-case scenario is that outlet finds out you had a conflict after publication , which usually results in a correction with the disclosure and that writer possibly being blacklisted from the publication.

A travel editor at an international outlet shared this story:

Im not allowed to accept press trips, and same goes for people who write for us. I can usually tell when someone went on a press junket even if they dont disclose it, because multiple writers all pitch me the same story about the same destination all at once. Often, it was a trip I was invited on myself and had to decline.

A writer pitched me one of these stories, and I wrote her back politely giving her a heads-up about the no-press-trips rule. Her response: You must have figured out I was on a press trip because YOURE STALKING ME.

Good tip: Dont accuse editors of stalking you. And also be honest about stuff.

So now you know what not to do heres what you should do. It boils down to basically three things:

Be concise yet informative.

Very few cold pitches need to be more than, say, 10 sentences, and the best ones are often less.

Explain why anyone should care.

Get me interested to learn more, but more important, make me want to tell this story to the readers of my publication.

Show that you can pull it off.

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