Get Help Switching Or Enrolling In A Medicare Advantage Plan
If you would like further help learning how to cancel your current Medicare coverage for a new Medicare Advantage plan, a licensed insurance agent can help guide you through the process.
Learn more about Medicare Advantage plans in your area and find a plan that fits your coverage needs and your budget. is a website owned and operated by TZ Insurance Solutions LLC. TZ Insurance Solutions LLC and TruBridge, Inc. represent Medicare Advantage Organizations and Prescription Drug Plans having Medicare contracts enrollment in any plan depends upon contract renewal.
The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance. Callers will be directed to a licensed insurance agent with TZ Insurance Solutions LLC, TruBridge, Inc. and/or a third-party partner who can provide more information about Medicare Advantage Plans offered by one or several Medicare-contracted carrier. TZ Insurance Solutions LLC, TruBridge, Inc., and the licensed sales agents that may call you are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program.
Plan availability varies by region and state. For a complete list of available plans, please contact 1-800-MEDICARE , 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult
Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.
Unitedhealthcare Connected For Mycare Ohio
UnitedHealthcare Connected® for MyCare Ohio is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and Ohio Medicaid to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees. If you have any problem reading or understanding this or any other UnitedHealthcare Connected® for MyCare Ohio information, please contact our Member Services at from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for help at no cost to you.
Si tiene problemas para leer o comprender esta o cualquier otra documentación de UnitedHealthcare Connected® de MyCare Ohio , comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de Servicio al Cliente para obtener información adicional sin costo para usted al de lunes a viernes de 7 a.m. a 8 p.m. .
How Do I Apply
If you apply at one of our Department of Community and Family Services locations, you will need the following documents:
- If you are a U.S. citizen and provide a valid Social Security Number , a match with the Social Security Administration will verify your SSN, date of birth, and U.S. citizenship. If SSA verifies this information, no further proof is needed. The SSA match cannot verify birth information for a naturalized citizen. You will need to submit proof of naturalization or a U.S. passport.
- Proof of citizenship or immigration status.
- Proof of age , like a birth certificate.
- Four weeks of recent paycheck stubs .
- Proof of all your income including sources like Social Security, Veteranâs Benefits , retirement benefits, Unemployment Insurance Benefits , Child Support payments.
- If you are age 65 or older, or certified blind or disabled, and applying for nursing home care waivered services, or other community based long term care services, you need to provide information of all bank accounts, insurance policies and all other resources.
- Proof of where you live, such as a rent receipt, landlord statement, mortgage statement, current utility bill or envelope from mail you received recently.
- Copy of insurance benefit cards .
- Copy of Medicare Benefit Card .
Note: Medicaid coverage is available, regardless of alien status, if you are pregnant or require treatment for an emergency medical condition and you meet all other Medicaid eligibility requirements.
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How To Cancel Medicare Part D
Disenrolling from a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan also requires waiting for the Annual Enrollment Period mentioned above . During this period, you can switch to a new Part D plan or just drop the coverage entirely.
You may be able to cancel your Medicare Part D plan if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period .
How To Apply For Medicaid
You can request an application for Medicaid by phone, by mail or in person through your local department of social services . VNSNY CHOICE representatives can help you understand if you are eligible, and then guide you through every step of the application process.
You can also complete the application yourself by going online to the ACCESS NY Health Care website and following the instructions at: . Applications and assistance in filling them out can also be obtained by calling New York Health Options at . You will need:
- Proof of age, like a birth certificate
- Proof of citizenship or alien status*
- Four weeks of recent paycheck stubs
- Proof of your income from sources like Social Security, Supplemental Security Income , Veterans benefits, retirement, Unemployment Insurance Benefits , Child Support payments
- If you or anyone who lives with you is 65 years old or older, certified blind, or certified disabled, you need to give information on bank accounts, insurance policies and other resources
- Proof of where you live, like a rent receipt, landlord statement, mortgage statement, or envelope from mail you received recently
- Insurance benefit card or the policy
- Medicare Benefit Card
New York State Medicaid information: * Medicaid coverage is available, regardless of alien status, if you are pregnant or require treatment for an emergency medical condition .
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Medicaid Coverage With Other Benefits During The Covid
12. I turned 65 but haven´t been able to apply for benefits such as Medicare or Social Security due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will my current Medicaid coverage be affected?
- No. During the COVID-19 emergency you will not be required to apply for other benefits, such as Medicare or Social Security.
13. I have been unable to complete my application for Veterans Benefits due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will I be able to enroll in or keep my Medicaid coverage?
- Yes. During the COVID-19 emergency, you will not be required to apply for Veterans Benefits.
14. I have been unable to provide my local district with Third Party Health Insurance information, including that my TPHI has ended. What should I do?
- You will not be required to provide TPHI information in writing, but tell your local district if your insurance has ended or if there are any other changes to your TPHI.
15. I was making voluntary re-payments for overpayments I received as reimbursement for my Third Party Health Insurance but I am unable to make the payments right now due to the COVID-19 emergency. What should I do?
- You may stop making re-payments, and start them again as soon as you are able.
16. I am in the Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities program, and I lost my job due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will I lose my Medicaid coverage?
If You Have Questions
If you have questions about information in The Empire Plan and Medicare+Choice HMOs, please call the Health Benefits Administrator of your former agency before you enroll in one of these plans.
Information in this document is provided to help you understand how your Empire Plan health insurance benefits will be affected if you join a Medicare+Choice HMO. Care has been taken to ensure accuracy. However, the HMO contracts and the Empire Plan Certificate of Insurance and amendments are the controlling documents for benefits available under NYSHIP. Read your Empire Plan Certificate and Empire Plan Reports for complete information.
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How To Cancel Medicare Part B
You may be automatically enrolled in Part B medical insurance. When you receive your Medicare card and welcome packet in the mail, the back of your Medicare card will include instructions for disenrolling from Part B.
If you do not initially disenroll in Part B, you will have to do so by contacting your local Social Security office or calling 1-800-772-1213 .
You may not disenroll from Part B online. You will have to speak directly to a Social Security agent to complete the process.
If You Qualify Under A Magi Eligibility Group You Will Have To Provide Documents To Verify Eligibility If Necessary
- If you are applying for Medicaid through the Marketplace , you may attest to your household income for the upcoming year. If your income is different than the income found on the data matches, income documentation may need to be provided.
- Citizenship/Immigration status and social security number will be verified through federal data sources. If citizenship/immigration status or social security number does not match, documentation must be provided.
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Traveling To Another State
If youre traveling to another state and fall ill, you may be out of luck Medicaid wont cover the cost of services in a state that isnt your home state. Generally, you can only use your Medicaid coverage out-of-state if you encounter a true life-threatening emergency that requires immediate care .
That said, sometimes, pre-approved treatment at an out-of-state facility is covered by Medicaid, but only when proper authorization is obtained. Similarly, Medicaid coverage may kick in if you receive treatment in an out-of-state facility that borders yours, and in which residents of your state routinely seek care. Again, you must make sure Medicaid will cover such care before pursuing it, or you risk getting stuck with the associated bills.
Maurie Backman has been writing professionally for well over a decade, and her coverage area runs the gamut from healthcare to personal finance to career advice. Much of her writing these days revolves around retirement and its various components and challenges, including healthcare, Medicare, Social Security, and money management.
Medicaid Aco Application For Mco Contract Period Beginning January 1 2022
In 2020, the Division of Medicaid & Medical Assistance , under the direction of DHSS, continued its work toward TCOC APMs by creating a Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program Accountable Care Organization Program for the purpose of improving health outcomes while reducing costs through VBP arrangements which include downside financial risk for participating ACOs.
ACOs are group arrangements in which health care practitioners agree to assume responsibility for the quality, outcomes, and cost of health care for a designated group of patients. Through VBP arrangements based on a TCOC calculation, ACOs are financially incentivized to coordinate patient care across care settings, address behavioral health and social needs and improve patient experience. DMMA seeks a Medicaid ACO Program with a strong foundation in supporting a robust primary care system within the State.
The Medicaid ACO Program allows qualified provider organizations to apply to become Medicaid ACOs and contract with Medicaid managed care organizations in a TCOC arrangement. In September 2020, DMMA authorized four health care provider groups to serve as Medicaid ACOs and additional organizations may apply for Medicaid ACO authorization on an annual basis. DMMA believes that by working together, Medicaid ACOs and MCOs can better coordinate care for Delaware’s Medicaid and CHIP members, providing better health outcomes and lower costs.
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Institution For Mental Disease In Lieu Of Service Benefit
Institution for Mental Disease In Lieu of Service Benefit information
PDF 39.88KB – Last Updated: 11/12/2020
New York State Department of Health has stated Medicaid recipients should receive breast cancer surgery services at high volume facilities .
See the listing of low-volume facilities that will not be reimbursed for breast cancer surgeries provided to Medicaid recipients.
This policy does not affect a facility’s ability to provide diagnostic or excisional biopsies, and postsurgical care for Medicaid patients.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has practice guidelines that help providers make healthcare decisions. These guidelines come from nationally recognized sources. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has practice guidelines for preventive health and other health conditions.
View the entire list of guidelines or call our Member Services at 1-800-493-4647 to request a printed copy.
PDF 2.36MB – Last Updated: 10/13/2021
PDF 1.97MB – Last Updated: 07/06/2021
PDF 6.45MB – Last Updated: 03/18/2021
PDF 7.17MB – Last Updated: 01/05/2021
How Do I Apply For Medicaid
You can apply for Medicaid in any one of the following ways:
- Write, phone, or go to your .
- In New York City, contact the Human Resources Administration by calling 557-1399.
- Pregnant women and children can apply at many clinics, hospitals, and provider offices. Call your local department of social services to find out where you can apply.
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Frequently Asked Questions For Current Medicaid Beneficiaries
What is a Community Spouse?
A community spouse is someone whose husband/wife is currently institutionalized or living in a nursing home. The community spouse is not currently living in a nursing home and usually resides at the couple´s home.
I am a community spouse. Will I be allowed to keep any income or resources?
If your spouse is institutionalized or living in a nursing home, you will be permitted to keep some income known as a minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance . If you are currently receiving income in excess of the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance, you may be asked to contribute twenty-five percent of the excess income to the cost of care for the institution
How do I find my local Medicaid office?
The Medicaid office is located in your local department of social services. A listing of offices can be located here:
If you live in the five boroughs of New York City, your offices are run by the Human Resources Administration . A listing of offices can be found here:
How do I order a new benefit card?
If your Medicaid is with your LDSS, to order a new Medicaid Benefit Identification Card, please call or visit your
If your Medicaid is with the and you need to order a new benefit card please call the call center at 1-855-355-5777.
Members residing in the five boroughs of NYC can call the HRA Infoline at 1 557-1399 or the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1 692-6116.
How often do I have to renew?
Can I Use My Medicaid Coverage In Any State
You can’t take it with you: If you’re relocating, you’ll need to reapply for Medicaid in the state where you’re planning to reside.
Q. Can I use my Medicaid coverage in any state?
A: No. Because each state has its own Medicaid eligibility requirements, you cant just transfer coverage from one state to another, nor can you use your coverage when youre temporarily visiting another state, unless you need emergency health care.
Medicaid offers health coverage to millions of Americans, and in many states, that coverage matches or even surpasses that of private health insurance. Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal government and state governments, but each state has the option to set its own rules and requirements for eligibility. As such, transferring your Medicaid coverage from one state to another isnt always possible.
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Medicaid Adult Dental Services
Correction Posted 10/06/2020
An announcement posted on the State of Delaware/DHSS website announcing Medicaid’s new adult benefit contained incorrect information regarding the age group for adult dental benefits.
This announcement indicated that beginning October 1, 2020 individual’s age 19-65 who are enrolled in managed care would receive their adult dental services through their managed care organization. This information is incorrect.
The adult dental benefit begins at age 21 not 19 as described in this announcement. Adults age 19-20 will continue to receive their dental benefits through the FFS program.
There is no age limit on who can receive adult dental services. Adults over the age of 65 may receive adult dental services.
Withdraw A Fair Hearing Request By Telephone
You may withdraw a request for a fair hearing by calling our statewide toll-free number: 1 209-1134
Speech or Hearing Impaired Individuals
Please contact the New York Relay Service at 711 and request that the operator call us at 1 502-6155. Service at this number will only be provided to callers using TDD equipment.
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Renewing Through The Ny State Of Health Marketplace
You need to renew your Medicaid coverage every year. You can call us at 1-888-432-8026, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or visit an enrollment site near you.
The NY State of Health Marketplace will send you a letter or an email with your renewal date for you to call and renew without losing any coverage. Pay close attention to the date on your letter you must renew by that date in order to keep your coverage. You can typically renew 30 days from the date you receive your letter. If you dont understand your letter or if you need help, call us at 1-888-432-8026.
Any information provided on this Website is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be substituted for regular consultation with your health care provider. If you have any concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider’s office.
Also, this information is not intended to imply that services or treatments described in the information are covered benefits under your plan. Please refer to your Membership Agreement, Certificate of Coverage, Benefit Summary, or other plan documents for specific information about your benefits coverage.
Cancel You Health Plan: Any Time
You can cancel your Marketplace coverage any time. You may need to do this if you get other health coverage, or for another reason.
You can end coverage for:
- Everyone on the application after your coverage has started. Your termination can take effect as soon as the day you cancel, or you can set the Marketplace coverage end date to a day in the future like if you know your new coverage will start on the first day of the following month.
- Just some people on the application. In most cases, their coverage will end immediately.
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