Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do I Contact A New York Times Reporter

Opinion: New York Times Reporter Resigns After Conflict Of Interest Relating To Michael Phelps

NY Times Reporter Reveals New Details About Attempts To Take Down Trump

Dont write a feature story about a person with whom you have a book deal. Thats the upshot surrounding a bit of personnel news coming out of the New York Times on Friday: Sportswriter Karen Crouse has resigned from the newspaper after 16 years of covering swimming, golf and other sports.

The move comes two weeks after the Times inserted an editors note in a , the retired Olympic champion. The story celebrated Phelpss efforts to mentor the next generation of American swimmers. But as Sports Illustrated later reported, Crouse was working on a book with Phelps, a revelation that resulted in this editors note:

After this article was published, editors learned that the reporter had entered an agreement to co-write a book with Michael Phelps. If editors had been aware of the conflict, the reporter would not have been given the assignment.

That was an embarrassment to the entire newspaper, and Crouse received a suspension while the matter was investigated, as the Daily Beast first reported. She was set to travel to Tokyo to cover the Olympic Games but didnt make the trip.

Crouse herself tweeted:

Crouse didnt immediately respond to a message or a text seeking an interview.

List Of The New York Times Employees

This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia’s quality standards. The specific problem is: this list is both incomplete and out-of-date indeed, the information it purports to enumerate is hard to come by reliably and without original research. And Yet:. Please help improve this article if you can.

This is a list of former and current New York Times employees, reporters, and columnists.

New York Times Reports Trump Administration Secretly Obtained Its Reporters’ Phone Records

The Trump administration’s Justice Department secretly seized months of phone records from four New York Times reporters as part of a leak investigation, the newspaper reported Wednesday.

CNN’s Jeremy Herb and Jessica Schneider contributed to this report.

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Reporter Jailed For Refusal To Name Leak Source

Will the jailing of New York Times reporter Judy Miller scare people off from risking careers to tell reporters about government misdeeds? Or will Millers willingness to sit behind bars rather than name a confidential source embolden such whistleblowers?

As Miller was led from court to a jail cell Wednesday, news executives and observers debated those questions. Saddened by Millers fate, most feared sources will be less likely to talk some hoped they will be reassured.

On the government side, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan, who sent Miller to jail for almost four months unless she recants and testifies, and prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who demanded her jailing, took pains in court to say they were not trying to deny reporters their sources.

Fitzgerald: ‘Not a one-person effort’Hogan noted he had let Miller remain free while she appealed up to the Supreme Court. He added that a Supreme Court decision 33 years ago that reporters could not always keep their sources names secret had not destroyed press coverage of government scandals, including Watergate.

This is not a one-person effort, Fitzgerald said. He pointed out that Hogan and the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had agreed he had showed that Millers testimony was essential and not obtainable elsewhere. And the Supreme Court refused to hear Millers challenge to Hogans civil contempt of court citation.

I do not view myself as above the law, Miller told Hogan. You are right to send me to prison.

New York Times Tells Trump: Don’t Call Reporters Enemies Of The People

Two Problems With the New York Times Facebook Live Pitch ...

The publisher of the New York Times has urged President Donald Trump not to continue labelling reporters “enemies of the people”, saying it could “lead to violence” against the media.

AG Sulzberger made the details of their off-the-record meeting public after Mr Trump tweeted about it.

In his initial tweet, the president said it had been a “very good” meeting.

But he later accused media of putting people’s lives at risk through their reporting.

His first tweet read: “Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, ‘Enemy of the People.’ Sad!”

He did not refer to his own repeated use of the phrase.

Mr Sulzberger said he had accepted the meeting with Mr Trump to raise concerns about the president’s “deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric”.

Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, âEnemy of the People.â Sad!

Donald J. Trump

He said he told Mr Trump that the phrase “fake news” was “untrue and harmful” but said he was “far more concerned about his labelling journalists ‘the enemy of the people'”.

“I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence,” he said.

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You Furnish The Pictures Ill Furnish The War

After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration began asking the press to kill stories more frequently. They did it so often that I became convinced the administration was invoking national security to quash stories that were merely politically embarrassing. In late 2002, for instance, I called the CIA for comment on a story about the existence of a secret CIA prison in Thailand that had just been created to house Al Qaeda detainees, including Abu Zubaydah. In response, Bush administration officials called the Times and got the paper to kill the story. I disagreed with the papers decision because I believed that the White House was just trying to cover up the fact that the CIA had begun to set up secret prisons. I finally reported the information a year later.

My stories raising questions about the administrations claims of a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda were being cut, buried, or held out of the paper altogether.

Then-Executive Editor Howell Raines was believed by many at the paper to prefer stories that supported the case for war. But Raines now says he was not pro-war, and that he did not object to putting my Prague story on the front page. I never told anyone at any level on the Times that I wanted stories that supported the war, he told me in an email.

But after I filed the first story, it sat in the Times computer system for days, then weeks, untouched by editors. I asked several editors about the storys status, but no one knew.

Just as the invasion of Iraq

My Life As A New York Times Reporter In The Shadow Of The War On Terror

I was sitting in the nearly empty restaurant of the Westin Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia, getting ready for a showdown with the federal government that I had been trying to avoid for more than seven years. The Obama administration was demanding that I reveal the confidential sources I had relied on for a chapter about a botched CIA operation in my 2006 book, State of War. I had also written about the CIA operation for the New York Times, but the papers editors had suppressed the story at the governments request. It wasnt the only time they had done so.

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Melania Trump Wears Slogan Jacket

When or how did Melania Trump become a billboard? When I saw the first lady Melania Trump wearing a slogan jacket reading I dont really care do u ?, I can say I wasnt too shocked. Since in life I have always said you lie down with the dogs and youll wake up with the fleas .

First and foremost darlings this is a fashion blog not a political site. However sometimes these two fields cant help but cross paths. Here on this blog I have written several times on politics and am proud to put across my points of view. While I dont claim to be a political pundit I have certain political views and educate myself accordingly.

Here are a list of my political posts in case you want to check them out

Therefore my friends I will occasionally cover political issues , but always through fashions eye.

Texts Come Hours Apart With No Clear Explanation For How The Money Will Be Spent

Reporters With Recipes

Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile

Former President Donald Trump is out of office, and has not announced any plans to run in the future, but that hasnt stopped his political action committee from bombarding his fans with daily requests for money and other support.

Months of text messages reviewed by The Independent reveal that supporters of the former president received at least one text message per day throughout the month of May, with some texts coming mere hours apart ahead of fundraising deadlines.

The donation links route money to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee that splits funds between the Republican National Committee , Mr Trumps 2020 campaign for president, as well as the Save America PAC, an organisation founded by Mr Trump to fund his future political efforts.

The frequency of the calls for donations rivals that of most active political campaigns, and suggests that Mr Trump is keen on maintaining a massive war chest throughout his post-presidency that means his endorsement carries huge financial weight in any local race.

Some texts sent to supporters via the automated service are designed to appear as if they were personally written by the former president, while others are signed by Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr, and former first lady Melania Trump.

The Independent has reached out to the office of Mr Trump for comment.

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How Can I Contact Donald Trump

1. Write your letter

Write your message for Donald Trump directly from your phone or your computer. Express and write your admiration to Donald Trump. Postalie will take care of the rest.

2. We print your letter

Once youre done writing your message to Donald Trump. We take care of printing it physically and we send it to Donald Trumps address.

3. We send your letter to Donald Trump

Thats it! We take care of sending your letter physically to Donald Trumps public address for you. You dont need to worry about anything else.

Dear Donald Trump,Im writing you this message to share with you my admiration everything youve done and accomplish. Your work and your career mean a lot to meKeep going,

Want To Email A Reporter Just Click Here Or Maybe Not

  • Read in app

By Liz Spayd

Sometimes the best-laid plans, well, just arent that well laid. Such was the case with a recent initiative to redesign the website feature that allows readers to click the byline of any particular reporter and, all in one place, find the stories he or she has written, a brief bio, maybe a photo and crucially for readers a way to email the writer. Every reporter, columnist and critic, even regular freelancers, had such a page.

The idea seemed worthwhile. The old web pages didnt work well on mobile, and they had an outdated look. But as the migration to the new design rolled out last August, something got lost: the button enabling people to email reporters.

Readers like George Cottay of Green Valley, Ariz., have been noticing. Imagine yourself a longtime subscriber who wants to contact a reporter about a story, he wrote. Then go to the Times website and try to find her or his email address. Does your experience say anything to you about the Times interest in what subscribers may have to contribute?

Matt Ericson, an associate editor who oversees the main publishing system, assures me that the disappearance of the button to email reporters was not intentional. Any reporter who had one in the old design was supposed to have it in the new design.

Ericson attributed the mistake to an oversight in the switch to the new system for publishing those pages and said the missing button was back in place.

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British Elections Send A Message To Trump Gop And Bidens Democrats

If Donald Trump were at all self-reflective, he would probably be kicking himself right now as he surveys the results of last weeks British elections. Through his own mistakes and obstinance in his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, he might conclude that he kicked away his chance to serve a second term in the White House.

These were the first elections in Britain since Boris Johnson became prime minister in 2019 and Johnsons Conservative Party came out winning, both in local races and in a signature victory in a working-class, parliamentary district in northeast England long held by the Labour Party.

Johnson, like Trump, mishandled the early stages of the pandemic. Like the former U.S. president, he contracted covid-19, and had a far worse case, having been hospitalized and in intensive care for a time. But his later handling of the pandemic was less uneven, and this year Britain stepped farther and faster in administering vaccinations than other European nations. It helped.

The British elections were not purely about the coronavirus pandemic, but nothing in politics today is free from the viruss effects in health, economic well-being and the public mood. On the most important issue of campaign 2020, Trump was a victim of his own making.

As Republicans debate Trumps role and what it means to be a conservative, Johnson, like Trump, is rewriting the rules of what conservatism means.

How Do These Mass Text Messages Work

M.I.A. Freaks Out At

Political campaigns tap companies such as Hustle or RumbleUp that employ hundreds of people who each send thousands of text messages to potential voters. Theyre exactly like the text messages that you or I send to our friends and family, and are categorized as peer-to-peer, or P2P messages. Thats different from whats known as application-to-peer, or A2P, messages, which are more formal blast text messages.

Since P2P messages are normally supposed to be more limited exchanges between individuals, systems may flag accounts that send too many messages. If, for instance, you send more than 1,000 messages in a day, those messages will likely get blocked.

Companies will work with the carriers ahead of time to get prior approval to send these mass messages.

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Donald Trump Fan Mail Address And Mailing Address

Are you a big fan of Donald Trump? Do you want to send him a fan letter to appreciate his work or give feedback on his presidency? If yes, please note down the fan mail address of Donald Trump, The Trump Organization, 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA.

Please also note down another mailing address of Donald Trump, c/o Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480. Please use this mailing address to send your fan letters and autograph requests.

Please use appropriate words only when you are going to write a letter to his fan mail address/mailing address.

The New York Times Email Format

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Find contact info for The New York Times employees

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When I Learned That Maggie Not Only Landed Coverage But Actually Got One Of Her Scientists A Coveted Blogging Position I Knew I Had To Get Her To Share The Story With You After All The New York Times Is Still On My Bucket List So You Might Consider This My #askapublicist Submission Brigitte

The opportunity to pitch The New York Times came out of the blue. It was a chance of a lifetime and one that put all of my skills as a publicist to the test.

A colleague was heading to the beach for a week-long vacation, which meant the standard offloading of a number of small projects like attending a research meeting in her place and posting content to social media.

Then she handed off one of the most challenging assignments Ive ever tackled securing a contributors spot for research biologist Lesley de Souza in The New York Times blog Scientist at Work.

1. Determine what makes your story marketable.

Lesleys project was the perfect package to sell The New York Times, because she was on a mission to conserve endangered arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fishes in the world! Protecting this flagship species from developing threats, such as oil drilling and agriculture, also would safeguard their diverse habitat and the Amerindian communities that depend on these ecosystems for their livelihood.

The pitch would weave together the story of an iconic animal in dire need of protection, a people dependent on their lands preservation for survival, photos from a picturesque location, an adventurous scientist any reader would follow into the Amazon for her day-to-day adventures and even the element of danger! If they felt threatened, these 300-pound fish could crush her bones with one lash of their body.

2. Ensure your story is a perfect fit for the publication.

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