Thursday, July 25, 2024

Are Abortions Free In New York

What To Choose: A Surgical Or Non

Catholics saddened by New York State abortion law

When it comes to surgical termination of pregnancy, it involves greater privacy. However, if you opt for a non-surgical abortion, there are no risks associated with the surgery. Medical abortion can feel more natural, as it is similar to having a miscarriage or a heavy period. The cost of abortion in New York, if taking into account the same length of pregnancy , is relatively similar. The decision to have a medical or surgical termination of pregnancy depends only on you and you have to take into consideration your individual circumstances, medical history, and personal preferences.

How Do I Pay For My Abortion

Choices accepts many forms of payment. We accept all insurances, including State Medicaid from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland and New York. If you live in New York, you can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. Reasonable self-pay and sliding scale plans are available. We accept cash and all major credit cards. In addition, Choices works with funding organizations that raise money for abortions to make sure no one will be turned away because of financial need. When you call for an appointment, ask to speak with one of our Financial Counselors.

To see if you qualify for emergency medicaid, take our quiz.

What Does The Law Do

Under New Yorks previous law, which had been in place since 1970, abortion was legal during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, a pregnant woman could only get an abortion if her life was at risk.

The newly enacted Reproductive Health Act expands on whats legal after 24 weeks, allowing a woman to get an abortion after 24 weeks if her health is threatened, not just her life, and if the fetus would be unable to survive outside the womb.

The new law also moves abortion regulations from the states criminal code to the health code, thereby removing the threat of criminal prosecution for medical professionals who perform abortions. And it allows nurse practitioners, physician assistants and licensed midwives, in addition to doctors, to provide abortions.

Democratic lawmakers had attempted to pass such a law for years in New York, but it previously failed to pass the Republican-controlled State Senate. In November, Democrats won back control of the State Senate for the first time in nearly a decade. And New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, vowed to take the opportunity to broaden reproductive rights for women.

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More Questions About Abortion Laws Speak With A New York Attorney

If you would like to know more about the laws governing abortion in New York, there are many attorneys in your area who may be able to help. A private family law attorney will be able to discuss the penalties for violating New York’s abortion laws and required procedures. Speak with a New York lawyer today to learn more.

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Telehealth Abortion In New York

After Kavanaugh Confirmation, Fight for Abortion Rights ...

Abortion is essential healthcare at Parkmed NYC. To ensure the safety of our patients we have taken the necessary precautions to reduce contact with others. We now offer Telehealth abortion or teleabortion appointment services. We will connect you with a Board Certified experienced physician from the comfort of your own home. The standards for a Telehealth Abortion are the same as an in-person medical abortion procedure. For the video call meeting you will need a device, such as a smartphone or a computer, with internet connect, a webcam, and a microphone. During the video call meeting, you will receive a counseling session which includes decision-making and birth control. to book your Telehealth Abortion appointment now.

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Need Help Paying For An Abortion

Need Help Paying for an Abortion?

If you are living in or traveling to New York State and are seeking funding for your abortion, please call NYAAF at 212-252-4757 and leave a detailed message. You can also email us at .

Leaving a Message:

When you leave us a message, please tell us:

  • Your name
  • The best time for us to call you back
  • Whether it is safe to say that NYAAF is calling when we leave a message.
  • If you do not indicate that it is safe to identify ourselves, we will leave the following message: Hi, Im returning the message you left on our voicemail, please call me back at 212-252-4757 and tell me when its a good time to try you again. If you get this message, please call the helpline again and tell us when to call you back. We will return all messages within 24 hours.

    Finding a Clinic:

    If you need to make an appointment for your abortion, please visit where you can locate health care providers who offer abortion services in New York State.

    If you do not have insurance:

    You can also enroll in-person at a designated community location. To find the in-person assistors near you, visit . NYAAF can also help you find a clinic that will enroll you in Medicaid and perform your abortion, sometimes in the same visit.

    Not Living in or Traveling to New York?

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    Other Resources:

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    Free Abortion On Demand: Hundreds March For Abortion Rights In New York City

    About 200 people gathered in New York City in a protest for abortion rights.

    When abortion rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!On Sunday, hundreds of people gathered in New York Citys Union Square for a rally and march in support of free and fair access to abortion. The rally was in repudiation of Texass SB8, a bill which, as of September 1, bans all abortions after 6 weeks. Even more grotesquely, the bill deputizes private citizens as vigillante enforcers, offering a $10,000 bounty for turning in someone who gets an aboriton after this period, or anyone who aids such an abortion, from doctors and nurses to rideshare drivers and family members.Our action in New York was the first protest in the city against SB8. Called and led by Left Voice, the rally was co-sponsored by Red Bloom, Tempest, the DSA Socialist Feminist Working Group, Party of Socialism and Liberation, Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women, New York City for Abortion Rights, CUNY Rank and File Action, Natioanl Womens Liberation, and the DSA Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color caucus, and attended by a contingent from the Internationalist Group.Pro Life? Thats a Lie! They dont care if people die! the marchers chanted. We marched down Broadway, completely blocking car traffic, taking the street as people on the sidewalk clapped in approval.

    “When abortion rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!”

    Left Voice

    As Sou Mi highlighted,

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    Bill In State Legislature Would Create Fund To Help Those In Need Of Services

    NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 01: People gather for a reproductive rights rally at Brooklyn Borough Hall on September 01, 2021 in Downtown Brooklyn in New York City. While many are focusing on a Texas law that has been dubbed the “Heartbeat Bill,” other abortion advocates say New York should still work to free up more access in this state.

    ALBANY Keep your damn hands off our bodies, Gov. Kathy Hochul proclaimed Thursday at a Planned Parenthood rally in Brooklyn.

    It had been nine days since Texas new abortion law, SB 8, went into effect, a law that bans abortions in that state upon the detection of cardiac activity in embryos, which usually occurs after six weeks of gestation. There are a couple exceptions, such as if the health of the mother is in jeopardy. But still providers risk what the penalty is for violating the unusual law the right for citizens to sue those suspected of aiding in an abortion.

    Before Hochul made her comments, the U.S. Justice Department had announced that it would be suing the state over the controversial legislation, also known as the Heartbeat Act.

    As eyes turned to Texas this month, healthcare providers, politicians and advocates across the state began to reflect on New Yorks abortion access inequities.

    Lets not take our eyes off the struggles we face in our own backyards, state Attorney General Letitia James wrote in the New York Daily News.

    Where Can I Get An Abortion Near Me

    Supreme Court Orders New York to Reconsider Mandatory Coverage of Abortion | EWTN News Nightly

    It might be a challenge to find abortion clinics in Brooklyn that you can trust. You need to be a hundred percent sure that the clinic is safe and will provide only top quality service. However, every clinic is different and the cost of service and its quality is also different. Some clinics might provide abortions up to 11 weeks into pregnancy while others offer abortions up to 26 weeks into pregnancy. If you have doubts about which clinic to choose, you can always call different clinics and discuss the options they can offer.

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    New York Abortion Laws

    Created by FindLaw’s team of legal writers and editors| Last updated May 16, 2019

    New York abortion laws are less restrictive than those in many other states, which often impose long waiting periods, consent requirements, strict facility codes, and other statutory obstacles. A bill signed into law in early 2019 adds additional protections for abortion access, such as allowing certain medical professionals who aren’t doctors to perform the procedure and allowing abortions past 24 weeks if the fetus isn’t viable or to protect the mother’s health .

    The law also codifies a woman’s right to access an abortion, partly in anticipation of a possible rollback of federal protections under Roe v. Wade. Per the language of the 2019 law, “Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion, pursuant to this article.” But all states, including New York, have some abortion restrictions.

    New York Passes Law Allowing Abortions At Any Time If Mother’s Health Is At Risk

    New York state has enacted strong new legal protections for abortion rights. The new law, signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday, safeguards rights laid out in Roe v. Wade and other court rulings, including a provision permitting late-term abortions when a woman’s health is endangered, The Associated Press reports. The state’s previous law, which had been on the books for nearly 50 years, only permitted abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy if a woman’s life was at risk.

    Governor Cuomo celebrated the passing of the bill in the Democrat-led Senate and Assembly on Tuesday, which happened to be the 46th anniversary of the Roe decision. “In the face of a federal government intent on rolling back Roe v. Wade and women’s reproductive rights, I promised that we would enact this critical legislation within the first 30 days of the new session and we got it done,” Cuomo said in a statement. He directed state landmarks like the spire of One World Trade Center to be lit up in pink to “shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow.”

    “We’re saying here in New York, women’s lives matter. We’re saying here in New York, women’s decisions matter,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said.

    Sarah Weddington, the Texas attorney who successfully argued Roe before Supreme Court, was at Cuomo’s side when he signed the Reproductive Health Act into law.

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    Planned Parenthood Is Making Up Fake Threats

    New Yorkers freedom to have sex with whoever they want is not under any threat.

    Planned Parenthood of New York State just endorsed Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a strong defender of the Lefts sacred cow of sexual libertinism. Now more than ever we need experienced leaders who understand the importance of protecting access to abortion in New York state, a spokesman for the organization told the New York Post.

    Lets dispel the notion that that any powerful entity is seriously trying to prevent people from having sexual relations. If anything, powerful entities are subsidizing and preferencing sterile, non-committed, and risky sex through taxpayer and insurance payouts for contraception, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    The age of consent in New York is 17, and the state isnt exactly undergoing a conservative or Christian revival of sexual ethics, so its not like theres even social pressure to maintain abstinence or even monogamy. The federal government hasnt made any moves recently to restrict peoples ability to f-ck whoever the f-ck they want, either.

    Is Planned Parenthood facing cuts to taxpayer money? You bet. Are closely held religious organizations allowed to not pay for an employees abortifacients? Yep. Are government agents crashing through doors to break up New York orgies? Thatd be a no.

    To Planned Parenthood Sexual Freedom Is A License To Kill

    After Colorado Attack: DEFEND ABORTION CLINICS!

    If your right to f-ck while sticking others with the consequences isnt being infringed upon by lawmakers, then the other interpretation suffices. Yet it is just as mendacious.

    Planned Parenthood campaigns for two sexual health procedures over anything else: abortion and birth control. Not cancer screenings. Not even HIV testing, although thats certainly important to them. Definitely not prenatal care.

    Planned Parenthood wants contraceptives paid for by taxpayers or other insurance holders via raised premiums to cover no-copay pills, and easy access to abortionsalso heavily or, ideally, entirely subsidized. . Why? Because this is how PP makes a lot of money. These advocacy positions are self-interested, not public-health-oriented, just like the lobbying of any other big business.

    Like Planned Parenthoods business model, the ads logic is truly twisted, and its language certainly Orwellian. What PP of NYC is effectively saying here is, There is no such thing as sexual freedom if you arent allowed to kill the babies that sex makes, or if others arent paying for your sexual choices by subsidizing birth control. They are defining freedom as state sponsorship of their sexual ethic: screwing whoever you want, whenever you want, as whatever identity you want, with the power to kill your own children so they dont get in the way.

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    New York City Has Extremely High Abortion Rate Despite Free Birth Control

    New York City Has Extremely High Abortion Rate Despite Free Birth Control Editor August 11, 2008

    New York, NY If there is any place in the nation women can get free or low-cost birth control, its New York City. But a new report indicates the abortion rate in the nations largest city is three times higher than the national average despite the easy access to birth control and contraception.

    While a survey from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a part of Planned Parenthood, shows fewer than 20 percent of all pregnancies nationwide end in abortion, 72 pregnancies end in abortion in New York for every 100 births.

    More than 250 abortions are done every day in New York City at more than 200 locations, including abortion businesses and private doctors offices.

    New figures reported in the Crains business journal show 90,157 were done in New York in 2006 which the business journal admitted showed “women are using abortion as their birth control method of choice.”

    Yet, abortion advocates repeatedly say abortions will decline if taxpayers are required to continue funding birth control and contraception at a high level and promote it extensively.

    Free or low cost birth control and contraception, according to Crains, is currently offered at through 59 publicly funded programs at 218 places in New York state, with most of those located in New York City or the greater area.

    Now, 93 percent of the abortions done in New York City are on local residents.

    The Abortion Pill In Nyc

    If you realize you are pregnant early, medical abortion may be an alternative to surgical abortion. These tablets together are commonly known as the abortion pill. We offer them in our abortion clinic in downtown New York City. In a surgical abortion, the pregnancy is removed through use of suction curettage, in medical abortion, the abortion pill is used to terminate and expel the pregnancy. The two drugs used for early medical abortion are Mifeprex and Cytotec . The abortion by pill has been monitored in clinical trials in the United States and France, which have proven that medical abortion has a success rate of 95% or greater for individuals ten weeks pregnant or less. Since then, Mifeprex, also known as RU486, has been successfully used by over half a million patients to terminate early pregnancy. Book your appointment online for both in person and telehealth abortion appointments.

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    New York Bill Would Force All Public Colleges To Offer Free Abortions

    NEW YORK, December 10, 2019 A proposed law in the state of New York will make it compulsory for all public universities to provide abortion pills to students at the taxpayers expense.

    State assemblyman Harvey Epstein of the East Side of Manhattan introduced the bill to the New York State Assembly on November 25. The bill states:

    Each public college student health center shall make available to all students abortion by medication techniques onsite. This service shall be provided by medical professionals on staff at such student health centers or by a third party who has contracted with a university to provide such medical services.

    The new proposed law would also create what it calls the public college student health center abortion by medication fund. This fund would receive both taxpayer and private contributions.

    Themedication abortion or chemcial abortion is actually two pills, one to deprive a developing pre-born baby of the nutrition he needs and then one to induce contractions. The first pill is mifepristone, the second misoprostol. Chemical abortions are used on babies younger than nine or 10 weeks old.

    Michele Sterlace-Accorsi, executive director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York, told WROC News 8 that the proposed law fails to give expectant mothers genuine support.

    According to a 2018 report by the Food and Drug Association , 22 women in the U.S. have died as a result of having taken abortion pills.

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