Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Much Is Abortion In New York

The Hidden Cost Of Abortions

Pro-Life Analysis of New Yorks Extreme Abortion Legislation

For many women, the actual procedure isnt the only large expense.

Rebecca Wind, the associate director of communications at the Guttmacher Institute says, In 25 states, more than half of the women live in a county without an abortion provider. obtaining an abortion often means finding childcare, taking time off work, and covering travel costs.

For women that live in those counties, travel and lodging can cost up to a few thousand dollars, plus there is the loss of pay for being out of work. However, even women who do have access to instate abortions but who arent telling their family or housemates about the procedure still need a safe and comforting place to stay for recovery. Recovering from a medical abortion normally takes two or three days and requires a lot of heavy-duty maxi pads with wings, which surprisingly can cost you up to $100. Prescribed pain medicine can range from $50$80.

Then there are external costs that come with surgical abortions that you might not be initially aware of. When I had my abortion, I was lucky to have a credit card with a $500 limit that I didnt use, says Bracey Sherman. It was $100 extra to get sedated and I remember thinking to myself, how many hours do I have to work to afford this? No one should think about that for proper healthcare.


If Youre Enrolled In Medicaid

Under federal law, Medicaid must cover abortion in the above-mentioned exception cases, but thats it. States can choose to expand their Medicaid programs beyond the required federal exceptions.

Currently, in a number of states, Medicaid covers all or most medically necessary abortions. Heres a state-by-state overview of Medicaid abortion coverage. Medicaid covers abortion costs only in your state of residence. If your state has weak Medicaid coverage or few abortion facilities, you can go to another state, but you wont get Medicaid coverage.

How Much Does An Abortion Cost Well From $0 To $3275

How much does an abortion cost? As you guessed, it can vary: from $0 to over $3,000 depending on, among other factors, how long youve been pregnant, how youre paying and, increasingly, where you live. Insurance policies have different coverages. Different states treat abortion differently, including how late state providers are allowed to do abortions, and under what circumstances.

Abortion is probably the most politically charged medical procedure in American history. Its also fairly common.

About 3 in 10 U.S. women have one by age 45. Over a third of women getting abortions are white. Over half are 20-somethings. Almost half make incomes under the federal poverty level. Most are already mothers. Cost matters to many of these women and while states cant ban abortion outright, they can and do pass laws that make it more expensive.

The situation is changing with developments on the federal level and on the state level. While this blog post was originally written a bit ago, the links are to sites that will give up-to-date information beyond the generalities we include here. Also, as journalists, we are confident in our reporting but please remember that the situation is changing rapidly. Therefore some of the sites referenced here may not be up-to-the-second so you should doublecheck all facts at the source.

In the end, abortion cost primarily hinges on the following factors:

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The First Of Its Kind

Up until 1970, New York followed a law enacted in 1828 that permitted abortion only when it was required to save a womans life.

It was high drama in New Yorks capital as the new legislation, allowing abortions within 24 weeks of pregnancy, proceeded through the state house. On the floor of the Senate chamber, a Republican senator read from a document that he called the Diary of an Unborn Child. Another legislator accused his colleagues of metaphorically reaching their hands into a would-be mothers womb.

The bill only passed the State Assembly in April 1970 because a Democratic assemblyman from a heavily Catholic district who had initially voted no stopped the roll call to reverse his vote, with tears welling in his eyes and his voice trembling.

I realize, Mr. Speaker, that I am terminating my political career, the assemblyman, George M. Michaels, said. But I cannot in good conscience sit here and allow my vote to be the one that defeats this bill. Mr. Michaels lost his seat in the next election.

Franz S. Leichter, then a Democratic assemblyman, wrote the bill with a Republican colleague, Constance E. Cook. Mr. Leichter, 88, remembers several hours of highly emotional debate in the legislature.

He said opponents of the bill warned it would initiate a flood of out-of-state women into New York.

People were saying, are we going to become the abortion clinic for the whole nation? Mr. Leichter said in an interview. Are people going to flock here?

They did.

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How Do We Respond to New York

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He was born on New Years Day, the year 2000. I got pregnant with him when I was 19, a month before I graduated from college. I was a brain that was my identity. I was headed to Yale Divinity School, where I would study for a masters in religion and literature. Those were my interests: religion, literature, study. I had not thought about having children or being a wife. I hadnt thought I wouldnt do those things, but if I thought about them, they existed in the vague haze of my distant future.

I wasnt really dating his father. His father was only the second person Id had sex with, and I had a crush on his good friend. The friend wasnt interested in me romantically, but the three of us hung out together. I would be winsome and flirt with the friend, and we all had a nice time. Sometimes I would read to them. Isak Dinesen: Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard. The friend would go back to his dorm on the campus of the small Christian university we attended, and my sons father would linger at my apartment. I was a little younger than the two of them but two years ahead in school, so I lived off campus. My sons father is kind, gentle, handsome, friendly, warm and funny. We kept having sex, and we kept praying for the strength to stop having sex. I kept saying I didnt want to be with him. He kept trying to accept that.

Now it is time for finals:losers will be shot.

Next, Mary Oliver:

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Additional Costs To Consider

Some providers include all associated costs in their fee schedule. However, many providers charge additional fees, such as:

  • General anesthesia: up to $250
  • Rhogam injections if the woman has the Rh factor: $25-$150
  • Sonogram: $125
  • Laminaria insertion/removal: $150
  • Second trimester abortions for women with prior Cesarean section: $1,000

For many women, abortion costs more than what is paid to the provider. Many women must travel more than 30 miles to the nearest abortion provider, which incurs transportation expenses. Lost wages is an additional cost for many as well.

How Much Does An Abortion Cost In Brooklyn

It is not possible to give a definite answer to this question as there are a number of factors that affect the total abortion price. These include surgical or non-surgical termination, length of the pregnancy, your blood type, and so on. Abortion costs in Brooklyn, New York for surgical termination of your pregnancy can vary from $400 to $2,500. Your best bet would be to schedule an appointment with a specialist who will determine which pregnancy termination method is applicable to you.

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Here’s What You Need To Know About Abortion Services At This Health Center:

Abortion Pill

Abortion pill is offered up to 11 weeks and 0 days after the start of your last menstrual period.

If your last period was more than 11 weeks and 0 days ago, read about our in-clinic abortion services below.

Abortion pill services are available by appointment only.

You will need to follow up within 1-2 weeks to make sure your abortion is complete and that you are well. In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant, you may need another dose of medication or to have an in-clinic abortion to end the pregnancy.

After your abortion pill visit, you will need access to a telephone, transportation, and backup medical care available to you once you are home.

In-Clinic Abortion

In-clinic abortion is offered up to 24 weeks and 0 days after the start of your last menstrual period. If your last period was after 24 weeks and 0 days, we can still help. Call us for a referral list of health care providers in your area that offer other abortion services.

In-clinic abortions are available by appointment only.

If you desire medication to help make your in-clinic abortion more comfortable, you must have a responsible companion with you to help you get home safely.

If you are more than 16 weeks pregnant, your in-clinic abortion may require multiple visits.

If you plan to have sedation, please do not eat for 8 hours or drink clear liquids for 8 hours before your appointment.

If you have asthma, bring an inhaler if you have one.

How Pregnant Am I

Pro-life doctor tells us about New York’s new pro-abortion legislation – ENN 2019-02-01

Use the pregnancy calculator to find out the number of weeks pregnant from your Last Menstrual Period.

When Was The First Day Of Your Last Menstrual Period?
Estimated Length Of Pregnancy :

Disclaimer: The information provided by this pregnancy calculator is not a diagnosis and is not intended to replace clinical care in any manner. Please make a confirmation of pregnancy appointment online at or by calling 718-786-5000 to receive a complete pregnancy evaluation with a licensed healthcare provider at Choices.

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How Much Does An Abortion Cost Prices & Procedure

Ballpark Estimate: $300 to $950

Having an abortion is not a decision that is taken lightly by anyone and yet it is a decision that has to be made quickly. Early stage abortions are less invasive and dangerous and up to 10 weeks are legal in every state. However, the longer into the pregnancy a woman has gone the more complicated and costly the procedure becomes.

The cost of abortion is affected by the patients location, the type of procedure, the stage of pregnancy, choice of anesthesia and the choice of clinic. Although abortion has been legal in every state since 1973 each state is free to place limits on the availability of the procedure and restrictions regarding financial assistance from Medicaid or private insurance and this has a marked effect on overall price.

When Does The Cash Or Self

Abortion isnt necessarily covered by insurance. Laws vary by state and policy. Some states have imposed restrictions on coverage check out your state on this map.

And even if you have abortion coverage through your insurance, the place you choose wont necessarily take it. Clinics are more likely than private gynecology practices and hospitals to accept insurance and Medicaid, and more likely to offer low-cost services based on household income. Planned Parenthood clinics that perform abortions accept most coverage.

One Brooklyn gynecologist, for example, takes some insurance plans but no Medicaid. Patients cannot get any coverage for the abortion pill, which costs $475. Surgical abortions start at $350, for which insurance is accepted.

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Does Your Private Insurance Cover Contraceptives

Under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, preventive healthcare including contraception must be covered by all insurance plans with no copay. If you are not getting these services without a co-pay, visit National Womens Law Centers CoverHer campaign to learn how to reach out to your insurance company and to find out what you can do if you dont get the answers you need.

Find Out What Your Costs Could Be

Abortion Is Normal, and Its Time to Treat It That Way

To find out how far along you are and what the cost of an abortion could be for you, schedule a free pre-termination evaluation with CompassCare today.

1 Jones R., Ingerick M., Jerman J. Womens Health Issues. 2018 May-Jun 28: 212218. Differences in Abortion Service Delivery in Hostile, Middle-ground, and Supportive States in 2014. Retrieved from NCBI, U.S. National Library of Medicine on 06/04/19.

2 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. How do I get the abortion pill? Retrieved from on 06/04/19.

3 CompassCare Pregnancy Services. Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online? Retrieved from on 06/04/19.

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New York City Set To Become 1st City To Fund Abortion Services

The funding is part of the city’s 2020 budget.

NYC to become 1st city to fund abortion services

Tucked away in a $92.5 billion budget, agreed to with a handshake deal between Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson on Friday, was an agreement to make New York City the first city in the country to fund abortion services.

The New York Abortion Access Fund will provide $250,000 from the budget to help low-income citizens access abortion services.

The funding was championed by the council’s Women’s Caucus, led by co-chairs Margaret Chin and Carlina Rivera.

“Before Roe v Wade, NYC was a haven for women who wanted the freedom to choose,” Rivera . “It’s time for our City to be that beacon for the country once again.”

The council is required to vote on the budget before July 1, but passage is expected as a formality.

Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling that protects a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, has come under assault more than ever in recent months. Multiple states have instituted severely restrictive bans on abortion, often only allowing them when the mother’s life is at risk.

Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi are among the states to pass some of the most restrictive bans, often labeled “heartbeat” bans, for not allowing the procedure after a fetal heartbeat is detected.

New York City is the first municipality to actually provide funding for those in need, though.

Our Rating: Partly False

We rate the claim in the Facebook post as PARTLY FALSE, based on our research. While it is true that New York’s abortion law allows procedures after 24 weeks, there are rules guiding that procedure: if the fetus is not viable or if the health or life of the mother is at risk. If medical practitioners determine that either of these factors are present, the mother can choose to have an abortion.

It is false to state or imply that any abortion can occur in New York “up until birth” as the social posts claims. That is misleading. Additionally, no state in the U.S. allows abortion “up until birth.”

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Why Does It Matter

New Yorks law is not unprecedented. In 19 states, later abortion is permitted to save the life or health of the woman, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy organization that advocates for reproductive rights.

But New Yorks law is the latest of what is expected to be a wave of abortion legislation in coming years. It was signed on Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling.

The passage of the New York law was celebrated by supporters as a safeguard against the newly conservative makeup of the Supreme Court. With the signing of this bill, we are sending a clear message that whatever happens in Washington, women in New York will always have the fundamental right to control their own body, Cuomo said last week.

During his presidential campaign in 2016, Trump said overturning Roe v. Wadewill happen automatically because he would appoint conservative Supreme Court justices. He said in July that he thinks abortion rights laws could be left to the states at some point, meaning individual states would determine how much access, if any, women have to abortion.

But in left-leaning states, such as New York, lawmakers are working to pass legislation that would protect abortion rights even in the absence of Roe. Last year, Massachusetts formally repealed an abortion ban, and Washington passed a law requiring insurers that offer maternity care to cover abortions and contraception.

The Medical Abortion : Average Cost $300 To $800

Lawmakers pass bill to protect abortion rights in New York

The so called abortion pill is actually a course of treatment involving medical consultations and tests such as a sonogram and HCG blood test, followed by ingestion of two different medications: mifepristone and m`isoprostol.

Mifepristoneoriginally called RU 486 and marketed under the name Mifeprex, is one of the medications used to end a pregnancy. With tests to confirm the pregnancy and date of conception, as well as counseling completed, the pregnant woman will be given a mifepristone pill. This synthetic steroid blocks the production of the hormone progesterone causing the lining of the uterus to break up, detaching the fertilized egg.

Within two days, the woman will then be given a Misoprostol pill which is a prostaglandin that will induce uterine contractions and bring about the end of the pregnancy.

Although this treatment has a very high success rate, any physician who prescribes the abortion pill procedure must also be willing to carry out a suction or surgical abortion if the pregnancy was not terminated completely.

This procedure is available up to the 9th week. For more information on the RU 486 Abortion Pill procedure please visit the National Abortion Federation.

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The Surgical Abortion: Average Cost: $300 To $2300

The term surgical abortion can cover any of the following methods of pregnancy termination Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage , Dilation and Evacuation , Dilation and Extraction .

The method used will depend on the womans stage of pregnancy with the later stage pregnancy being the more complicated, carrying the highest risk factors and also requiring more surgical skill and patient care, thus being also the most expensive. See the examples of costs per clinic, location and procedure for a more detailed breakdown.

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