Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Get A New York State Teaching Certificate

New York Teacher Education Requirements

Teacher Ed Webinar: Getting Certified

The minimum education requirement to earn New York teacher certification is a bachelors degree. Candidates should also complete an approved teacher preparation program, also known as an NYS Registered Program. However, candidates who attended teacher preparation programs out-of-state may be eligible for an educators certificate if the program completed is deemed comparable to an approved program in New York. Such a program may be completed as part of the candidates bachelors degree or as a post-graduate certificate or masters program.

Complete A Bachelor Degree And Teacher Prep Program

The first step to becoming an art teacher in New York is to earn a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited college or university and complete an approved teacher training program that includes student teaching. A list of approved teacher prep programs in the state may be found here. After completing an approved program, your school will recommend you for certification via an online system. To check if your school is regionally accredited, visit the Council for Higher Education Accreditation .

Note that you are required to complete six clock hours of coursework or training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention in accordance with recently passed state law. Assuming youve graduated from an approved teacher prep program after February 2014, this coursework will have been completed as part of your degree requirements. If you completed your degree earlier, you will need to complete an appropriate workshop and earn a Certification of Completion. When you apply for the certificate, you will send this document to the NYS Education Department, Office of Teaching, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12234. . A list of providers is available on the DASA providers Web page.

New York Teacher Benefits And Retirement

Benefits attached to education and teaching jobs can vary in New York State. New York City currently provides full-time teachers with health insurance coverage. Retirement in New York State is handled by the New York State Teachers Retirement System. Retirement in New York City is handled by the New York City Teachers Retirement System and the New York City Board of Education Retirement System.

Learn more about benefits for teachers on

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Applying For Professional Certification


  • To obtain a professional certification, you need a Masters degree and 3 years of paid professional work experience in any of your certification areas .
  • Make sure all transcripts are on file with NYSED through TEACH. You can check under Account InformationEducationVerified Education. College recommendations will not be there.
  • If you completed a Masters leading to certification, be sure that relevant college recommendations are there. TEACH Account Account InformationCollege Recommendations.
  • Ensure that experience is verified. This includes mentoring if you are in a NYS public school. You can check in TEACH under:
  • Account InformationSuperintendent Statements
  • Account InformationMentoring Experience
  • Account InformationCorrespondenceDocuments
  • It is recommended to apply for the professional certification in which you have the most experience first.
  • For those who are applying for a professional certificate in the area of their first initial certificate and did their Masters degree in a different content or certification area.

  • Go to TEACH and click Apply for Certificate. You can only apply for one certificate at a time. If you have multiple initial certificates, select the initial certificate from which you want to progress to the professional certificate first.
  • Go through the drop downs select Classroom Teacher or Classroom Teacher- Foreign Languages for Area of Interest.
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    In addition to requiring all new teachers to hold a bachelors degree, New York requires prospective teachers to complete an approved teacher preparation program at an accredited institution. You can find a list of approved teacher preparation programs, known as NYS Registered Programs, through the New York State Education Department. To compare key metrics for these state-approved teacher preparation programs, use the sortable table on our New York schools page.

    Programs in other states that hold accreditation from one of the six regional accreditation agencies overseen by the US Department of Education may also be acceptable. New York will not issue a teacher certification to those who have not completed a program at an accredited school, so its best to confirm accreditation before making a decision.

    Additionally, many schools seek accreditation from the national accreditation organization, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation . CAEP accreditation is not mandatory for schools, but due to its highly-regarded reputation for stringent standards, most schools apply for its official accreditation.

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    How Advanced Degrees Impact Salary

    Advanced degrees can have a positive impact on the salary you earn as a certified teacher. In 2019-20, the New York City Department of Education reported that its starting salaries for teachers with a bachelors degree and no prior teaching experience began at $57,845, while new teachers with a masters degree and no prior experience started at $65,026.

    In New York state, 84% of teachers hold a masters degree, so youre likely to need an advanced degree to stay competitive in the market. Youll also need a graduate degree to qualify for a Professional Certificate.

    B I Completed The Dasa Training In Harassment Bullying And Discrimination In Schools Course As Part Of My Program And Am Now Being Asked For Proof Of Completion Or A Certificate Of Completion By An Employer Or Another Institution How Can I Request This Certificate

    A certificate of completion is not issued nor required by the NYSED when these competencies are met through coursework which appears on a university transcript. The NYSED states the following on their website: For applicants completing New York State registered teacher education programs leading to certification, workshop completion will not display in the workshop table on the NYSED TEACH system. Once a recommendation from the institution is made, the requirement will appear as checked off. The training is a required component of the program, and no additional training is required.

    Please submit to your employer or institution this letter as well as an official transcript. Request an official transcript.

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    Meet Minimum Education Requirements

    High school graduates who want certification in New York state must earn a bachelors degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 from a state-registered teacher preparation program. If you have an undergraduate degree in a subject area other than education, but no prior teaching experience, your teacher education program will be at the graduate degree level.

    Enrolling in an approved program ensures that youll study the coursework components required for certification. As part of your program, you must complete 6 hours of coursework or training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention, also called Dignity for All Students Act training.

    To apply for an Initial Certificate, youll also have to attend a Child Abuse Identification and Reporting workshop, as well as training related to the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education program.

    Certifications For School Administrators

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    If youre a new candidate interested in certifications for school administrators, you can pursue 1 of 3 distinct pre-K to grade 12 titles. Both traditional and alternative pathways are available. Youll need fingerprint clearance and U.S. citizenship or USCIS Permanent Residence status for these certifications.

    School Building Leader : You can earn an Initial or Professional Certificate for this certification. To earn the Initial Certificate, you need:

    • A masters degree
    • Completion of a state-registered preparation program
    • Passing scores on the NYSTCE for School Building Leader Parts 1 and 2 and EAS test
    • 3 years of teaching or administrative experience
    • DASA training

    A Professional Certificate requires both 3 years of teaching experience and 3 years of administrative experience.

    School District Business Leader: This is only offered at the Professional Certificate level and requires:

    • A masters degree, including 60 semester hours of related coursework
    • A completed NYS registered teacher preparation program
    • Passing scores on the NYSTCE School District Business Leader Parts 1 and 2
    • DASA training

    School District Leader : The traditional pathway to this certification leads to a Professional Certificate and requires:

    • A masters degree with 60 semester hours of related coursework
    • Completion of a registered teacher preparation program
    • 3 years of teaching or administrative experience
    • Passing scores on the NYSTCE School District Leader Part 1 and Part 2 and EAS
    • DASA training

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    Criminal History Background Check

    You must undergo a criminal history background check and fingerprinting as an applicant for administrative certification in New York. Fill out the , the , and fingerprint cards, which will be forwarded to the FBI. Instructions are available here.

    After being fingerprinted at a local law enforcement agency, forward the completed fingerprint cards along with required fees, to Fingerprint Processing, NYS Education Department, PO Box 7352, Albany, NY 12224.

    Your fingerprints will be run through the Division of Criminal Justice Services and the Federal Bureau of Investigation . When these checks are cleared, your administrative certificate will be issued if you meet all other requirements for certification.

    New York State Teaching Assistant Certification

    If you have a high school diploma, you can qualify for NYS teaching assistant certification. A certified teaching assistant provides direct student instruction under the general supervision of a New York state certified teacher. There are several options in the NYS teacher assistant certification process.

    A 3-year Level I Teaching Assistant Certificate is an entry-level license that requires:

    • A high school diploma or GED
    • A passing score on the NYSTCE Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills
    • A Child Abuse Identification workshop
    • A School Violence Intervention and Prevention workshop
    • DASA training
    • Fingerprint clearance

    To qualify for a nonrenewable 3-year Level II Teaching Assistant Certificate, youll need a Level I Certificate, 9 semester hours of college coursework toward an associates or bachelors degree, and 1 year of certified teaching assistant experience. If you dont meet these qualifications before your Level I Certificate expires, you can apply for a 1-time 3-year Teaching AssistantLevel I Renewal Certificate.

    You can if you have a Level I certificate plus 18 semester hours of college coursework, 1 year of experience as a certified teaching assistant or classroom teacher, and status as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

    Holders of Level III Teaching Assistant certificates issued after June 30, 2016 must complete 100 hours of CTLE requirements within a 5-year registration period.

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    How Will I Know If My Nys Certificate Has Issued How Can I Check The Status Of My Certificate

    Unfortunately the NYSED does not send notification of certificate issuance. Log in to your NYSED TEACH account, click on TEACH Home, click on the Account Information link, highlight Certificates, click GO. For more details, please visit NYSED.

    If you’ve applied for NYS certification, have passed all of your required NYS exams, your fingerprint clearance appears in your NYSED TEACH account and you have been recommended by NYU Steinhardt AND one or more of your certificates have not issued on the NYSED TEACH system, please contact the NYSED to request that your certificate be issued. Oftentimes certain actions require the intervention of NYSED personnel, please see their contact information below:

    I’ve Applied For Professional Certification And My Citizenship Status Is Listed As Unmet Why

    Certifications :

    If this is incorrect, and you are a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident, login to your TEACH account, click on TEACH Home, under Profile Links click on Update/Add Education, Employment and Personal Information. Then click on Edit Personal Information. Under Resident Status highlight “I am a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States” and click Submit. The evaluation should update the following day.

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    Transition Into Teaching For Career Changers

    If youre a career changer interested in teaching, New York state offers several alternative pathways that combine educational coursework and professional mentoring. Accelerated programs can help get you working in a paid teaching position as you earn your certification requirements. While in these programs, youll work under a Transitional Certificate thats tied to the school where you work.

    If you have a bachelors degree and want to teach in the subject area in which you majored, you can qualify for a 3-year Transitional B Certificate to lead to an Initial Certificate. This certificate lets you work as a teacher in your subject area of expertise while you complete your NYSED requirements.

    If you have a masters degree and want to teach in the subject area in which you majored, you can qualify for a 3-year Transitional C Certificate to lead to a Professional Certificate. This authorizes you to work in a paid teaching position in the subject area of your degree while meeting certification requirements. Its unique in that it leads directly to a Professional Certificate without a prior Initial Certificate.

    If you want to teach career-and-technical classes for grades 7-12, but dont meet the Initial Certificate requirements, you can apply for a 3-year Transitional A Certificate to lead to an Initial Certificate. Youll also need at least an associates degree and 2 years of related occupational experience.

    Do Nys Professional Teaching Certificates Expire

    The answer to this varies depending on what level you are at. Lets get the details.

    Once you acquire your Initial Certificate, you have five years to complete the requirements for a Professional Certificate. This includes mentoring during your first year of teaching and gaining at least two more years of teaching experience during this five-year period.

    However, you may also attain the Professional level by obtaining a masters degree in your area of initial certification from a graduate-level teacher preparation program. Your professional Certificate remains valid as long as you maintain the professional development standards of the New York State Department of Education during each five-year block.

    These PD standards include completing 175 hours of professional development every five years. The New York public school that employs you will approve your PD hours and report them to the Department of Education. Your school must however keep record of your PD hours for seven years in case of an audit.

    Find out how you can apply for renewal or reinstate your certification in case you do not complete the required 175 PD hours.

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    New York Teacher Testing Requirements

    There are several exams that are required for obtaining a teaching license in New York. The first is the Educating All Students test, which measures direct teaching skills and knowledge. All prospective teachers must also pass the edTPA, which measures teaching performance and instructional practice. Those teaching core subjects must also pass the appropriate Content Specialty Test .

    Additional tests, such as the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test , the Bilingual Education Assessments , or the Communication and Quantitative Skills Test may be required depending on the candidates educational background and content area and grade level to be taught. You can find more specific information through the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations website.

    A I’ve Applied For Professional Certification And The Three Years Of Teaching Experience That I’ve Detailed On Teach Is Listed As Deficient Why

    NYSTCE Multi-Subject Birth – Grade 2 Math (New York State Teacher Certification Exam)

    Your application is most likely listed as Ready for Review. Ready for Review means just that – your application hasn’t been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet. The system defaults to “deficient” or “unmet” for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it actually means that those requirements have not been reviewed yet. Please see NYSED Experience Requirements. Have your employer submit the Verification of Paid Experience Form to the NYSED. The evaluation will change once your teaching experience and application is reviewed.

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    Documents And Application Requirements

    • Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended, showing completion of an administrator preparation program, receipt of a degree, and any additional coursework necessary
    • Copy of your NY teaching certificate
    • Institutional recommendation

    Mail these documents to the New York State Education Department, Office of Teaching Initiatives, Room 5N-EB, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany NY 12234.

    S To Becoming A Teacher In New York

    Important Note: Education licensure requirements, statistics and other information are subject to change. makes its best effort to keep content accurate however, the official sources are the state education departments. Please confirm licensing requirements with your state before applying for licensure or renewal.

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    Am I Eligible To Apply For Certification In Other States Which States Have Reciprocity With Ny

    Many states have signed an interstate agreement on reciprocity but it does not necessarily waive exam, fingerprinting or additional state specific requirements. Please see details on interstate agreements specifically the section What it is not. You MUST still apply for certification in each state that you wish to be certified to teach in.

    Many states do not require that you hold NYS certification to apply in their state, only that you’ve completed a traditional state approved certification program plus complete their additional requirements such as exams and fingerprinting.

    Some states do require that you hold certification in another state to apply for certification in their state.

    It is best to check the certification website of the state you are hoping to be certified in and then check again closer to graduation as certification requirements change often.

    Requirements for all states can be found easily online by searching for state name and teacher certification. Look for a link for out of state prepared or out of state certified teacher which will outline the steps for you.

    Direct link to the certification requirements in other states from

    NYU Steinhardt will complete out of state verification forms required by the application process for other states, please see question 16.

    Professional Development For New York Teachers

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    New York State professional development programs include teacher mentorship programs and the NYS Teacher Resource and Computer Training Centers. New York City offers in-service courses for teachers through the NYC After School Professional Development Program. Credits earned through this program can be counted towards both salary differentials and professional development requirements. Programs are also available to paraprofessional educators, including the Summer Stipend Program, through which paraprofessionals can receive a financial incentive for college credits earned over the summer.

    According to the New York State Department of Education, teachers holding a Professional Certificate in New York must complete at least 175 hours of professional development activities during each 5-year licensing period.

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